Yea that black box is the MAP, TPS and ECU all in one. What a stupid design to have to replace the whole thing if just one goes bad. It would seem that black box can be detached from the throttle body and has its own part sticker on it, wonder why it alone can't be replaced? ......OK somebody help me out here. Seems the idle can be adjusted by the set screw where the butterfly is at rest. What is the screw next to it for, has to be some kind of adjustment? Also notice the round black plastic cover to the left of the butterfly/idle rest? There's a pintle/screw there under it, is that for the map measurement or part of the idle circuit? Seems if it's part of the idle circuit and folks have idling problems cleaning that might help it a lot. If it's for map measurement that could be a big problem if it's dirty.........just thinking.