NEO, your shop is full of hot air my friend:)
On the 650 Burgman, there is one oil drain bolt, right on the bottom of the sump. One screw on oil filter on the front of the sump. The oil fill location in on the center 'HUMP,' underneath a plastic cover that has one screw in it. Because there is room, no special wrench is needed to remove or install the oil filter and the fill location, on top of the engine won't cause a burn.
My Xciting 500 has one oil drain plug, another oil drain point concealing the oil screen filter and a vertically mounted oil filter that do to clearance, is hard to change unless one has a special wrench. I use a K&N filter that has a 'nut' welded on the bottom so it's easy to change. The oil fill is on the right side, about 1/2 inch from the hot exhaust pipe that makes it really fun to check the oil.
Final drive/ transmission maintenance is easy on both bikes.
Both scoots can have the oil and filter maintenance done in a half hour or so:)