I replaced my helmet today. I spent an hour going around and trying on tons of helmets. I came to one conclusion. A 600 dollar helmet isn't 100 times better than a 60 dollar helmet. I can't see why sombody would pay that kind of money for a mass produced helmet. Maybe some special custom rig. I spent 140 or 160 on my last helmet. It was so so. Had a pump in it to air up the cheek pads and that sucked and broke. I bought a 60 dollar (on sale for half off) helmet and it fits better and isn't loud as hell sliding the visor up and down, plus no gimmicky air pump. Still have a secondary tinted visor too. I realize that to a point the devil is in the details but it's DOT approved and looks and feels like the rigs hundreds and hundreds of dollars more expensive.
Just like I can't understand the want or need for a bike that's thousands of ccs when a 300 will do every speed limit in the country. I don't understand why anyone would spend half a grand on a helmet.
Aw, if you had the bucks - you'd pick the best helmet, too. Price no object.
They are made of different stuff, and weigh differently.
I can never figure why people will buy a helmet on-line. EVERY helmet is a different shape in-side. You must try on many to find the one that fits you well - and wear it around the store for awhile to double check its comfort, fit and quietness.
These aren't Sunday hats,,,,these are life protectors. Brain protectors.
My buddies in the U.K. and Europe can't figure why we all need guns - when the indians haven't attacked a wagon train in months or why people would choose to own a breed of dog that kills children every month - are there no other kinds of dogs available?!
Yeah, its an ego thing...like the short-guy syndrome.
There's a lot of stuff I have trouble understanding.