Hey Mscmkr,
Your news strikes pretty close to home!
I've been following your posts for some time.
You started on a LIKE200i and moved up to a 300.....same as me.
First, I am glad you are, what? Hate to say "OK"...because you're not. But I guess it could have been a lot worse.
That is good.
The rest is not.
Well, when you feel up to it - please use your influence here to educate the rest of us with the circumstances of your off.
A banged up knee, and a lot of road rash. Shredded hands.
If you would:
Were you wearing jeans? - and is there road abrasion damage to your lower body?
Were you wearing a (armored) heavy textile or leather jacket? any road rash upper body?
Gloves? Simple shorty gloves, or gauntlet style with wrist straps to keep them on during an off?
Boots....feet damage?
Your feedback will add to our knowledge. Mine, certainly.
Sure, we know about these issues - but, while I always ride with my full face helmet and leather gloves and long pants and my armored hi-viz jacket fully zipped - I do not always wear the kevlar jeans, nor do I have the better gloves designed to stay on my hands in a serious 'off'. I wear my high-top work boots only some of the time.
Very sad to hear of this happening to one of our members. Truly.
But, thank you for posting this.