Go easy on the bike if it is new. keep below 60km/h for the 1st 500km then increase it by 10km/h every 200km. always warm up the bike before riding. change the oil when you are at 1000km. you should have a maintenance hand book in red, read that well.
there should be a maintenance schedule on it at the back page.
its 2011... so your air filter might be dead... i know even if its new it still might be expired due to moisture for 3 years.
there is no tech gauge so you cant know if you are over revving... advice, 1st gear=stop to 25-30km, 2nd gear= 30-45km and 3rd gear to 60.
check the oil level, fluid level... breaks might not be very sharp at the moment so give it time to break in the pads.
if the bike came with a bone dry gas tank then fill up with fresh fuel. if the bike already came with some fuel which you have no clue when it went in, then drain it and top it up with new fuel.
until 1000km its pure break in of the parts no adjustment is going to make much difference, after 1000km change with full synthetic motorcycle oil and change the radiator fluid. balance the carbs, valve check and carb tuning...
well we will talk more about that when you get to 1000km. and i am sure your shop service will do a good job.... i hope.
riding advice! the 1st gear is TALL! you will know when you start, try not to burn out the clutch! very tall it will go from 0-60km/h on 1st gear!