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Re: Cops pulling over 50cc scoots.
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2014, 02:15:19 AM »
Everyone makes there own choice in life.if they make that choice to live far away from work then thats up to theam to get to work how ever they can. Put be smart about it.


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Re: Cops pulling over 50cc scoots.
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2014, 05:15:22 AM »
Some people have no choices Blue. There are people that have been beat down since birth, and still fight the good fight but their choices are limited.

The "all they have to do is ask for help" crap is exactly that... crap. The people that TAKE all the "help" are the reason. Go down to any welfare office, and tell me what you see. Dozens of women w/ hair/nails/clothes done "just right". Each one of them DROVE there. Their 4.5 kids, are at the doctors every other day for an allergy, or a fever or some other nonsense. They are there because they were taught how to run the system. ALL of the "baby daddies" are sitting around drinking, and playing video games or making more baby mommas.

Now you take a woman that was beat down from day one. Kicked out at 15. Two babies by 19, and not one person to ever help her. If she can get to the welfare place they tell her a dozen times to "bring in something else".
How's this gal gonna get a sitter for the kids to even take a job?
The job she gets is min. wage, and part time (so the employer doesn't have to insure her). The food stamps she does get pay only for the cheapest crap food you can buy. The churches give out what the parishioner's give... Canned pumpkin.
Someone (like me) gives her a scooter so she can regain some sense of worth. One week later some cop "just doing his job" takes the scoot. Leaves her w/ a sh** ton of tickets she can Never pay, and she looses her job.

WHY? Cause the ones that can afford to pay INSIST that she pays her way too. You can't get blood from a stone. Oddly enough al lot of these broken stones are much better people inside than a lot of the "pillars" of our communities.

You tell that broken stone to move closer to work. I sure as hell won't! It might be the straw that breaks that camels back.
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Re: Cops pulling over 50cc scoots.
« Reply #17 on: October 25, 2014, 02:30:49 PM »
Now you take a woman that was beat down from day one. Kicked out at 15. Two babies by 19, and not one person to ever help her. If she can get to the welfare place they tell her a dozen times to "bring in something else".
"How's this gal gonna get a sitter for the kids to even take a job?
The job she gets is min. wage, and part time (so the employer doesn't have to insure her). The food stamps she does get pay only for the cheapest crap food you can buy. The churches give out what the parishioner's give... Canned pumpkin.
Someone (like me) gives her a scooter so she can regain some sense of worth. One week later some cop "just doing his job" takes the scoot. Leaves her w/ a sh** ton of tickets she can Never pay, and she looses her job.

WHY? Cause the ones that can afford to pay INSIST that she pays her way too. You can't get blood from a stone. Oddly enough al lot of these broken stones are much better people inside than a lot of the "pillars" of our communities. "

There are a lot of unfortunate people all over the world who could use some help: Let me take it from rhetoric to action; How many of you that lament these so called injustices actually give more than your words to the problem? Do you donate your time at all in the community to help relief organization and the needy, or do you just talk about it? Do YOU donate to the local Churches by tithes, offerings or to put GOOD food in their community food banks? Do you voluntarily pay more city/ state. federal taxes every year--you know, to help the economy?

The "canned pumpkin" comment made me laugh:) It is not the truth, but what on this forum can be taken for truth or just tongue in cheek?

We have tons of relief and charitable organizations where I live. As in my Church and others, the shelves are flowing with for an example, Sausage patties and links, fresh eggs, all types of bread products, pastas, canned and fresh vegetables and the same for fruit and last but not least the ever popular pastries!

The needy, with NO MEANS TESTING by the way are just invited to come in and load up of food stuffs--no accounting and no problem.

Almost every Church in town has a food bank and lots of the non-profit relief agencies have free hot meals daily.

The Salvation Army in my town also provides many other benefits to the needy, even needy travelers--no questions asked. Hot and nutritious meals are served every day at noon. Job counseling, family planning, fun nights for kids, help with rent, gas and electric bills and prescriptions--etc etc. Spiritual counseling is also provided for the troubled and anyone else asking for it.

I have been involved, on a voluntary basis with the Salvation Army since 1995 in emergency communications (KF6GUW) and have been a member of their advisory board for about 10 years and Chairman of the Board for 8 years. I am also involved with other Churches and relief organizations and their food banks and outreach services. I really do so little compared to some but I try.

We, the SA are giving away free turkey's and food boxes for Thanksgiving, the same for Christmas, with the addition of lots of new toys for the children.

My Church, is also involved with supporting the needy in many ways to become nourished physically and spiritually!!!!!

All of this sounds a little more substantial than a can of pumpkin pulp, which isn't bad if one wants a delicious pumpkin pie!

So, have the rest of you examined your hearts and found that just talking about problems does nothing--unless you are free associating in your Psychiatrists office:)

DO SOMETHING to help rectify these  perceived social ills: Actually buy some needy person a scooter, with full insurance coverage, a nice helmet and some riding instructions and maybe some gasoline once in a while. Help stock you local food banks, donate your time and MONEY to actually help others, teach a literacy class, a computer class or cut grass for someone.

The "Welfare Queen" job is highly sought after in this twisted society, with all of the free goodies and it's hard to kick the habit of living on other peoples tax money.

By the way, the LEO's can't selectively just make arbitrary decisions to not pull some people over based on an assumed social deficit issue. Maybe some would want the poor to be forced to wear a bright green jacket with a big 'W' stenciled on it, so Law enforcement could just leave them alone.

If you want to change society then do something to change it in a POSITIVE way.

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Re: Cops pulling over 50cc scoots.
« Reply #18 on: October 25, 2014, 10:20:43 PM »
I sure hope that was to all the others that bitch but do nothing...

I give till it hurts. Every frigin' day.

Salvation Army is one of the better charities I know of. They do help. Unfortunately their nearest office is 60 miles from here. The working poor here in Franklin County are "land locked". Our churches have nothing to give except what people like me set up for them. I set up a program here where illegal fish (under size/out of season) are no longer photoed, and dumped. They are frozen, and taken to the church pantry. Right down the street from me.

I don't want to measure manhood... I stand tall here.

Your point is 100% correct. People should do ANYTHING to help. Here most do Fish Fry's to collect if there is an illness/fire/flood whatever. Most of my county are "WORKING POOR".

I do my share and more...

One other thing... DON"T "tithe" the crutch. As you said sir... Buy the insurance for a single mom instead. ALL of the money goes to helping, and not painting a new door for more "tithers" to enter thru.

I believe we are on the same page. No offense meant.
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Re: Cops pulling over 50cc scoots.
« Reply #19 on: October 25, 2014, 11:34:29 PM »
Zombie, you don't have to call me 'Sir' unless we are around the other enlisted men:)

No offense taken on your opinions.

I preach sermons in the local communities on occasion and I always remind people that "ACTION' is what is needed and that means getting up off your butts and doing something instead of talking about it. Spread the good word of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to an immoral and starving world. Love GOD and your neighbor as yourself. Be a beacon of light in a dark harbor and lead people to Christ and their salvation. Help each other, especially those in need. Our great commission as Christian's is to spread the word of GOD.

Society can't condone lawlessness or it leads to anarchy and social collapse.

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Re: Cops pulling over 50cc scoots.
« Reply #20 on: October 25, 2014, 11:54:29 PM »
I would assume that they are not wearing clothing that says "please don't stop me...I am traveling
to my job and this is all I can afford".  And I would also assume that not every one of the scooters stopped fit that scenario but if they did proper consideration might be given.   Also the cops don't know this until they actually stop them and speak to the rider.  I would bet that far more of them are trying to the cheat the law than make a living.....whether it's helping the environment or not.  Finally..............It would never hurt to pull up to one of the cops and make a friendly inquiry, noting that you are an avid scooterist.
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Re: Cops pulling over 50cc scoots.
« Reply #21 on: October 26, 2014, 12:57:50 AM »
Charity rts in the home, and expands out to our neighboors, I can only hope that we all do a little something for our aging or poor neighboors. My problem is the govt. stepping in and taking it from me and in the amounts they determin are sizable enough.

It's a tough line to hold, wanting to give but not be taken advantage of. I always ask this question, who can spend my money better, me or some govt? The answer is always me. And if I want to give on a larger scale there are places like Habitat for humanity, the Salvation army etc. to turn to for more across the board sharing.
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Re: Cops pulling over 50cc scoots.
« Reply #22 on: October 26, 2014, 01:42:40 AM »
Hey Sarge. I forgot you could see these posts...  ;) I'm not slamming the law for doing what we ask them to do. No way!

I do get upset when circumstance is not weighed into a decision tho. Absolutely when some raggedass hippie is "skirting the system... Lock his Bohemian ass up, and add whatever charges you can. Intended Mopery is one of my personal favorites. Intent to loiter is almost as good. I was actually convicted once of accessory to littering after a Jury trial. (we trashed my buddies car in the woods)

We have a new State Trooper here. This guy is FRESH out of the army. Guess what? 9 arrests in his first week.
Every cop in this county added together did less than 1/2 of that. Yes he got four DUI's and the rest were Paraphernalia/possession (weed), expired tags (misdemeanor), disorderly conduct/resisting w/o violence, obstructing governmental administration. Everything but the DUI's are "Judgment calls on behalf of the officer.
He didn't have to arrest the other 5 but he did want to make a statement. He did! He also lives right smack dab in the center of town here.
Small towns, and the word spreads before his shift is done. I am afraid he will not have a soul here to befriend him.
If that does not bother the fella so be it. IMHO that bothers everyone.

Just saying... It's easy to get over zealous about anything. Church/charity work/giving all your free time to work for people that can't pay/enforcing the law.

Circumstances are the key to moderation. If Porkie ran to the church EVERY time some crack head decided he "found God" he would never be home to enjoy his family. If 008 gave every penny to "salvation Army" his family would starve. If I couldn't read who is trying to "use" me, I'd be the one in the shelter. If this new cop arrests every person for every thing in the book, he will have no community.

I forgot the point... Oh yeah! Love ya Sarge! I know, you know what the point was.

You know it's funny. 314 views, and it's al;ways 6-7 of us posting. Wonder what the rest of the world thinks... ?
« Last Edit: October 26, 2014, 01:46:00 AM by zombie »
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Re: Cops pulling over 50cc scoots.
« Reply #23 on: October 26, 2014, 03:14:26 AM »
Been there done that.then I divorced it.know fell sorry for some and try to keep my self on the right track.


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Re: Cops pulling over 50cc scoots.
« Reply #24 on: October 26, 2014, 03:51:32 AM »
I married a gal that has issues as well. I haven't seen her in 6ish years but I hear when she gets locked up/ re-hab/ looney bin.
It's actually the best marriage I've had. Go figure.
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Re: Cops pulling over 50cc scoots.
« Reply #25 on: October 26, 2014, 04:09:09 AM »
Hey Sarge. I forgot you could see these posts...  ;) I'm not slamming the law for doing what we ask them to do. No way!

I do get upset when circumstance is not weighed into a decision tho. Absolutely when some raggedass hippie is "skirting the system... Lock his Bohemian ass up, and add whatever charges you can. Intended Mopery is one of my personal favorites. Intent to loiter is almost as good. I was actually convicted once of accessory to littering after a Jury trial. (we trashed my buddies car in the woods)

We have a new State Trooper here. This guy is FRESH out of the army. Guess what? 9 arrests in his first week.
Every cop in this county added together did less than 1/2 of that. Yes he got four DUI's and the rest were Paraphernalia/possession (weed), expired tags (misdemeanor), disorderly conduct/resisting w/o violence, obstructing governmental administration. Everything but the DUI's are "Judgment calls on behalf of the officer.
He didn't have to arrest the other 5 but he did want to make a statement. He did! He also lives right smack dab in the center of town here.
Small towns, and the word spreads before his shift is done. I am afraid he will not have a soul here to befriend him.
If that does not bother the fella so be it. IMHO that bothers everyone.

Just saying... It's easy to get over zealous about anything. Church/charity work/giving all your free time to work for people that can't pay/enforcing the law.

Circumstances are the key to moderation. If Porkie ran to the church EVERY time some crack head decided he "found God" he would never be home to enjoy his family. If 008 gave every penny to "salvation Army" his family would starve. If I couldn't read who is trying to "use" me, I'd be the one in the shelter. If this new cop arrests every person for every thing in the book, he will have no community.

I forgot the point... Oh yeah! Love ya Sarge! I know, you know what the point was.

You know it's funny. 314 views, and it's al;ways 6-7 of us posting. Wonder what the rest of the world thinks... ?

I try not to think...uses Grey cells (matter ) I want to save for older years    ;)

Zombie- you know what/how I give . Wish more people would Volunteer ... it makes a big difference !

I donate money,food,time,and lightly used items when I can

I believe that "Tithing" WAY more than 10 percent of my Time can be of more help than "Tithing" to a building (church ) . The Vatican has WAY more wealth than any other Entity on Earth...maybe all their Gilded thins,JJewels,Gold could be put to better use than adorning buildings. JMHO
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Re: Cops pulling over 50cc scoots.
« Reply #26 on: October 26, 2014, 04:27:50 AM »
My points exactly Sis!
My entire family was/is Roman Catholic. Talk about TRAUMA as a kid. The entire concept still bothers me.
You nailed it on the head. The Vatican is the richest corporation on the planet. What bothers me is I am not sure I trust their "Business Plan" any more than their "Mission Statement".

Did I ever tell the one about the Priest, and the little kid walking off into the woods?
Punch line is... You're right kid. It is getting dark, and I have to walk out of here alone!
 Ooooooooooo.  Deep, and dark! Sadly.

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Re: Cops pulling over 50cc scoots.
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2014, 08:53:50 AM »
My points exactly Sis!
My entire family was/is Roman Catholic. Talk about TRAUMA as a kid. The entire concept still bothers me.
You nailed it on the head. The Vatican is the richest corporation on the planet. What bothers me is I am not sure I trust their "Business Plan" any more than their "Mission Statement".

Did I ever tell the one about the Priest, and the little kid walking off into the woods?
Punch line is... You're right kid. It is getting dark, and I have to walk out of here alone!
 Ooooooooooo.  Deep, and dark! Sadly.

Here is the man that rules the world...

And here's the kid     :-X
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Re: Cops pulling over 50cc scoots.
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2014, 11:47:29 AM »
ORRRR.....He could have ended up on a 50cc scooter.  Can't go after a guy for doing what he is paid/trained to do.  Most cops believe they are superhero's when they first start.  I believe that we all thought that when we first started something new.   Very few of us were "seasoned" starters. need to take into consideration this guys recent past.  He was probably in a place where he trusted no one and everyone was there to hurt him.  He may also be taking out some stored up aggression.  This too shall pass.  For the exact reason that Zombie stated.  Community acceptance.  Do some of the "boys" remain idiots for their entire career?  Of course they do!  But these are the guys that usually get shuffled around a lot to take heat off of their superiors.   As far as the " judgment calls"  some are/some are not.  Believe it or not, the DUI's are an easier judgment call than the rest. 

As for the jist of some of the other comments about donating time and goods,  I must say this.  And let me add that I am not a huge political fanatic in any way.  Donating our time, money a beautiful thing and I have no doubt that most of use who are active in this post do.  But why is it different if it is something offered for "free" by the government.  If they do it, it's them spending "our" money and only giving it to those who don't need it.  If we do it, everything is perfect and the system should be adjusted to fit that particular person or situation.   

As far as the priest and kids story....don't get me started.  I investigated a horrible case of sexual abuse by a priest.  It cost seven young men in my small community their lives due to suicide.  Is he in prison....NO!.... He is now in a smaller church somewhere out west. 

Also, I visited the Vatican a few years back while in Italy.  My description of it is basically a religious Disneyland.  Money, money, money.  Lines to get in.  Lines to get out.  Gift shops....Ugh!!!  You can actually pay someone to stand on line for you while waiting hours to get inside.  Is it beautiful?   Unbelievable.     
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Re: Cops pulling over 50cc scoots.
« Reply #29 on: October 26, 2014, 12:25:21 PM »
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...

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