I was talking to a guy at Kymco's US headquarters in Spartanburg, SC last year, and he told me that the bike hadn't been selling well, even at a reduced MSRP. Since they weren't making a profit on Venox sales in the US, Kymco decided to drop the bike from its US lineup in 2009. My 2009 sat in a showroom until my brother purchased it in 2011. Brand awareness (lack thereof) had a lot to do with the slow sales--even last month when I took my Venox to a dealer for valve servicing, nobody knew what it was "we thought Kymco just made scooters". And this was a major dealer who also sold Kymco scooters! Even if they re-introduced the Venox back into the now ready-for-smaller-motorcycles US market, it would not sell due to the unfamiliarity with the brand.