Funny ...this woman (and ALL her friends and relatives ) are frequently seen around here . Especially in front of my house , where limit is 35 MPH , and they feel that 60 MPH is too slow .
Just down the road , last Summer , one of her Cronies was behind a Navy Reserve woman that was waiting to make a left turn into small roadside farm stand (1/2 mile visibility from Northand South) and hit her SO HARD from behind that he drove her SUV across the road/spun her around and back to the original side and into a house . Stopped fora moment, then took off down the road . Witnesses performed CPR ( 79.9% of the time CPR is not successful ) to no avail .
They think that cell phone use/alcohol , as well as the obvious speeding , wereat fault, Driver was located thanks to Game Wardens happening to have a plane in the area at the time .