If you go up in ah, does the fuse size stay the same? I need a darn class in motorcycle mechanics 101 for Christ's Sake
Im guessing no. But yea i'll measure it and check size chart. May take awhile, lost access to tools cuz i quit a construction job. Hafta buy new ones. 220 peice kobalt set $120 & a 50 peice air tool set w air compressor sounds like a good start (+ tape measure)? Anyways, i may never even have to change the battery because I might, in 3-4 months, sell the a50 to help get me a 2015 honda cbr300r or a cb300f or go all out and getta cbr500r!! Had to share, so excited!! But will also own a secondary kymco cuz i love kymco!! Was thinking about a Venox 250 if available in u.s.? I'm rambling sorry, but ok thx zombie, good lookin out brother, you deserve a medal or something. Ok im dun....