Besides being required by law ins is only a hedge against a loss. Helped me tremendously last year when my scoot was stolen. Another aspect to full coverage is if some idiot causes you to wreck and has no ins your underinsured/uninsured kicks in and will help you to recover your losses. If someone who has no ins hits you and is at fault chances are they're judgement proof with no assets. About 10 years ago a truck almost hit me head on and I had to lay the m/c down and I broke my foot. He was cited for careless. His ins would only cover 25k max period the state required min to be legal. Well my underinsured kicked in big time and I needed it. Hosp bills, 3 months off of work, lots of incidental costs. I had a high coverage and it saved my butt, of course the lawyer took a 1/3 but I was way better off than what the ins offered me on my own.