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Re: Get it! This is a scooter forum...
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2015, 08:07:03 PM »
I understand your points, and I do agree with you 08.

I think my root problem is mediocrity or status quot. Not in other people or life but in myself. I've posted about my family (self absorbed), and I've posted about how I basically raised myself (clueless/mentor-less).
Life long patterns take time to realize, and I am just now beginning to find the things in life that really are important. Once again I am venturing out into a world that I (a) Do not trust. (b) Do not fully understand.
I have a way of completely dis-regarding what people say are facts. I always have to prove these things out for myself. It's a very slow road to take for a very long journey. What makes it worse is there is a time limit on this trip, and the clock never stops.

Cigarettes are the next thing to go. I have that under control. 39 years of smoking... Yeah!

When I use homeless as an example it is only because I don't yet know of any better example to use.
I could say the guys digging ditches for the city, and die-ing from asbestos cancer, or the young new cop that listens to the wrong "clique" at work, and becomes a monster. Same for the businessman that makes a living working "hedge funds".
These are the homeless I refer to.
These lost souls are the ones that need re-direction/re-training every bit as much as I do.

I have always felt that what we are taught (mainstream) has something fundamentally wrong. We're taught to maintain. The things we are taught to achieve a better standard of living have a very human price to be paid.
Doctors charge so much money that it takes everything you have to pay these bills. It's is only like this due to Mal-Practice insurance premiums the doctor/medical center has to pay. It boils down to a materialistic food chain that has to be fed or everything they/we have been taught is wrong, and this system collapses.

Back to square one for me... Once again I am learning. I am a warrior at heart, and I always will be. Now my quest is to figure out exactly who/what I am, and to learn which wars MUST be fought, and which ones MUST be avoided.
I have come to grips w/ the fact I can not change everything no matter how hard I try. Saying "just one soul saved" is enough seems like a sell out but perhaps that one soul will be the one that CAN change everything. I don't yet know.

Till the time comes that I feel satisfied w/ what I am doing, I will keep throwing these ideas, and thoughts out there to see what comes back.
Just in this thread I have found many more venues for enlightenment. Found a new book that I am sure will have at least one answer, and hopefully can open the door to more learning.
I have realized I have deeper meaning to my words that I do not know how to convey, and most of all I realize those of you that tolerate, and participate in these wacky posts I put up really are friends. You are willing to help, and you have proven this many times over. Thank You!

« Last Edit: January 12, 2015, 09:34:25 PM by zombie »
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Re: Get it! This is a scooter forum...
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2015, 10:10:49 PM »
I understand your points, and I do agree with you 08.

I think my root problem is mediocrity or status quot. Not in other people or life but in myself. I've posted about my family (self absorbed), and I've posted about how I basically raised myself (clueless/mentor-less).
Life long patterns take time to realize, and I am just now beginning to find the things in life that really are important. Once again I am venturing out into a world that I (a) Do not trust. (b) Do not fully understand.
I have a way of completely dis-regarding what people say are facts. I always have to prove these things out for myself. It's a very slow road to take for a very long journey. What makes it worse is there is a time limit on this trip, and the clock never stops.

Cigarettes are the next thing to go. I have that under control. 39 years of smoking... Yeah!

When I use homeless as an example it is only because I don't yet know of any better example to use.
I could say the guys digging ditches for the city, and die-ing from asbestos cancer, or the young new cop that listens to the wrong "clique" at work, and becomes a monster. Same for the businessman that makes a living working "hedge funds".
These are the homeless I refer to.
These lost souls are the ones that need re-direction/re-training every bit as much as I do.

I have always felt that what we are taught (mainstream) has something fundamentally wrong. We're taught to maintain. The things we are taught to achieve a better standard of living have a very human price to be paid.
Doctors charge so much money that it takes everything you have to pay these bills. It's is only like this due to Mal-Practice insurance premiums the doctor/medical center has to pay. It boils down to a materialistic food chain that has to be fed or everything they/we have been taught is wrong, and this system collapses.

Back to square one for me... Once again I am learning. I am a warrior at heart, and I always will be. Now my quest is to figure out exactly who/what I am, and to learn which wars MUST be fought, and which ones MUST be avoided.
I have come to grips w/ the fact I can not change everything no matter how hard I try. Saying "just one soul saved" is enough seems like a sell out but perhaps that one soul will be the one that CAN change everything. I don't yet know.

Till the time comes that I feel satisfied w/ what I am doing, I will keep throwing these ideas, and thoughts out there to see what comes back.
Just in this thread I have found many more venues for enlightenment. Found a new book that I am sure will have at least one answer, and hopefully can open the door to more learning.
I have realized I have deeper meaning to my words that I do not know how to convey, and most of all I realize those of you that tolerate, and participate in these wacky posts I put up really are friends. You are willing to help, and you have proven this many times over. Thank You!

Nice post Z-man ! You are attempting to better yourself . The World would be a better place if ALL strove for that.

We can all only do SO much , the important part is trying to do SOMETHING .

Good luck in your quest to quit smoking...I did it in 2001 , after 30+ years. I did it, successfully , that time because I WANTED to. Same for my husband, who was unable to do so until this year , and says he doesn't understand why it was easier than he thought/ why he has no more interest in it ( because he WANTED to quit this time ) .

We all have journeys ahead of us...may the roads be smooth ( but lots of curves for the ride ) and may you all encounter the beauty it (life) holds .
"There is a Fifth Dimension beyond which is known to Man. It is a Dimension as vast as Space and as timeless as Infinity......It is an area which we call 'The Twilight Zone' .   "Rod Serling


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Re: Get it! This is a scooter forum...
« Reply #17 on: January 12, 2015, 10:13:27 PM »
This is interesting. 
It ties into Google/NSA' absolute zero (quantum computer), and my reference that we are everything.

The way I process things is by learning the methods employed to gain a given result. Looking at an assembly of parts means nothing to me. I have to start at the beginning, follow the flow of actions, and then I understand why/how an end result was created.
Opening the hood of a car means nothing. realizing what takes place from ignition to motion is the goal.
Perhaps I have been trying to understand people using the  wrong approach. Something I have firmly believed my entire life is, if you can understand what makes the human brain work, there will be no need to understand anything else.
Everything we all accept as real, is not! It is merely what we have come to accept. A short cut to complacency as it were.

Yes I am late to the gate but I'm a fast learner. Understanding what we are from the beginning to the finished product is my new goal. Learning the chemistry involved in making all the parts will pass the time until the light bulb moment occurs, and perhaps trigger the things I need in myself, so I can create the changes I feel we (as a species) need.

Lofty goal for a worn out mechanic/builder of anything!

I've got my projects (Fuel column / Hydrofoil designs). I hope these can develop into a means to fund what I really want to do.
Understand Human nature, and translate that into Human Science. (I said that backwards)

ANYONE here that has a clue on ANYTHING that might help... Contacts in the alternative fuel world. Contacts in the molecular research world. Perhaps you have a buddy that would love to spend 12 hours a day developing the "game plans" required...
My plate is full, and time is valuable. I can not keep all these projects sorted by my self.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 02:26:52 AM by zombie »
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Re: Get it! This is a scooter forum...
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2015, 02:54:30 AM »
Huge scooter fan here. Had a little Twist n' Go 50cc that was awesome and she had a custom tag on the back.
Her name was Piglet and I soo wish I still had her and at least a picture of her with her tag. Tag was even matching color   :)
Ask me why her name was Piglet...

Anyway, I'm George and I'm new here.

Zombie, I have a question for you. Have you noticed any health changes or do you feel different since you stopped drinking city water?

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Re: Get it! This is a scooter forum...
« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2015, 04:33:33 AM »
That's a very good question. I have been asking it myself.

This may sound Hoaky but... I work with deadly chemicals daily. Naptha/Touleyne/MEKP, ect. My body is used to these things (Zombie).
I work physically very hard. Heavy sh** all day. Then I come home, and roughhouse w/ 700lbs of "killer" dogs for about an hour.

In the past year (I'm 56) I noticed I was feeling slugish. Kinda tired, and constantly depressed. Not like normal kick your own ass, and snap out of it depressed but more like lethargic. Dreamy state almost.

For about a year now I have been researching symptoms on the net (Buy This, and Some of this) Welbutrino;l will cure you IF it doesn't cause Herpies/cancer/tb/nail fungus/ball swelling/pregnancy.

Everything kept coming back to all this hippie herbal crap, and conspiracy theories. Both of which I have no time for.
I saw ONE post by Joe Rogan, and something clicked.

Follow the bread crumbs... Fluoride! There are two compounds. One is bad for you, and the other is a DRUG?POISON

"Sodium Fluoride is used in most toothpastes, mouthwashes, dental varnish, dental preparations and nutritional supplements. This same form of fluoride is used as an insecticide and pesticide, as a preservative in glues, as a growth inhibitor for bacteria, fungi and mold. Sodium fluoride is also used in making steel and aluminum products. Added to molten metal, sodium fluoride creates a more uniform metal. Other industrial uses for sodium fluoride include glass frosting and wood preservatives. Sodium Fluoride is also used in the manufacture of chemical and biological weapons.

Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) is compound of calcium and fluorine which occurs naturally as the mineral fluorite – also called fluorspar. Most of the world’s fluorine comes from calcium fluoride. Fluorides in general are toxic to humans, however CaF2 is considered the least toxic, and even relatively harmless due to its extreme insolubility. Moreover, calcium is a well-known antidote for fluoride poisoning. When an antidote exists in combination with a poison, it makes the poison far less toxic to the body. Calcium fluoride is the form of fluoride commonly found in natural, untreated waters."

I hope you understand what you just read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Look it up anywhere.

Guess which one THEY have been pumping into every friggin thing we touch? POISON!

There is a chemical in the brain called DMT (N,N-Dimethyltryptamine). You cannot imagine anything more strange than this. I believe it IS the conscious. It is our imagination, and our sense of self/free will.
Sodium Flouride is the destroyer of this. It shuts down the Pineal gland that produces DMT, and to top that off... a chemical that is natural in our bodies from birth to death, and in the bodies of thousand of species of animals, and most plants is considered a class ONE controlled substance in the US.
Meaning WE can not (legally) supplement what they have taken away from us.

Back to conspiracy theory...

What I believe is happening in me is once I stopped taking anything w/ Fluoride I began to detox, and my brain is beginning to re-awaken.
I have an insatiable desire to learn what else has been denied or turned off.
I KNOW the forum members have noticed. I'm driving them f***ing NUTZ w/ all this.

My drive, ambition is now thru the roof. Like when I was 18, and could not be stopped.
I spent three hours today reading on Erowid, and another four on The Art, and Science of Amateur Experimentation.

I stay up all night reading courses from the University of Hawaii's pharmacology program. I read every credible word I can find on the physiology of the human brain. (it's what's for dinner-the other white meat).

On top of that I am learning Mycology. (study of mushrooms). There is something in almost everything around us that makes life BETTER.
 Life time drug addicts treated w/  psilocin just THREE times, quit drugs, and don't want them.
People treated w/ DMT just ONCE quit smoking with no cravings.
There are dozens of such compounds... 5meo dmt/4aco dmt/2ci/2cb/mescalin, ect.
These are all considered Class one controlled substances with NO medical use.
Not one of the is addictive, not one of them cam be fatal or taken to overdose.

I was hoping someone would open this door.

It may not appear to be appropriate discussion on a scooter forum but I assure you (if you do the research, and avoid all the hippie drug trippers) this may well be the single most important topic EVER discussed here.

As I said (excuse the ramble but it was needed to qualify all this) Since stopping fluoride intake, my life has changed.
I have not (yet) began supplementing myself w/ anything I have mentioned, nor have I taken any of these to "get high".

I am on a quest to discover what/why/how any of these compounds may help. Right now I feel like a prisoner of war, and I KNOW there is much more I am capable of doing to better some small part of the world. Perhaps all of the world.

I do my small part on forums to help, and I do quite a lot in my own town to help anyone/anytime but it is not enough compared to the potential.

So yes. I do feel better.
Thanks for asking... LOL!
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 04:45:32 AM by zombie »
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Re: Get it! This is a scooter forum...
« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2015, 07:31:06 PM »
So, now that  you got that out of your system...feel better?

Seriously, I have no doubt you're right and this can be a very long discussion.

I used to live in Sweden where they at least used to (and I'm sure they still do) live much healthier than here
in the US. Most of the stuff we cooked was made from scratch and no one knew what hamburger helper was
and no one bought ready made food. People walk or ride bicycles everywhere and everyone was slim.
In a city of 115,000 population, we really only had one big hospital and very few clinics.

On the other hand, around my area, there are clinics all over the place and it seems that most of them are always full.

Sure, we live longer but I think that we DO poison ourselves only to turn around and prolong our lives with medicine.
You know, kinda like taking one pill and taking another to fix the side effects of the first one.

I have a friend of mine that's all natural medicine like and we have the same opinion. I don't know how much of what I think is
true, how much is conspiracy but I also see lots of women with very little hair, something I've never seen before and it seems
that everyone has cancer.
Mind you, my mom had cancer (still alive) three times while she was in Sweden so I'm not sure how my theory is holding up
but again, that's just my thinking.

I have a friend of mine that sells Kangen water machines and he swears by them.

Hell, I don't know what to think any longer but dammit if I like all this   :(
« Last Edit: January 17, 2015, 07:40:27 PM by »
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Re: Get it! This is a scooter forum...
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2015, 10:49:29 PM »
It's all in the reading. The Thyroid gland is what causes women to lose their hair. If the Thyroid id damaged... Hair loss.
Fluoride does not accumulate anywhere else in the body except for the brain. It recrystallizes, attaching to the Calcium that is part of our blood/bones.

The reason they target the US for fluoride poisoning is simple. We are outspoken, and we will not take crap from anybody. Especially our government. LOL Yes... Fluoride put an end to that.

Hell. We accept whatever we are told to accept. Global warming!!!
It's real, yes but it's not caused by us. The sun is expanding, and it is totally out of our control.

The ploy is to make us more complacent. The rest of the planet is signed up to reduce carbon emissions. How does that effect us? We are not under the rules WE set for the rest to follow. So in the end we get more oil, and the rest... suffer.
Global warming 101.
Oh yeah... We have more money per ca pita so the oil barons reap the profits, the world gets screwed, and Fluoride in everything keeps us in line.
Brilliant sh** right there. Imagine if those smart mother f***ers did something to improve the quality of life for everyone, and not just themselves?

I'd have nothing to bitch about for one. That's worth 5 buck by itself.
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Re: Get it! This is a scooter forum...
« Reply #22 on: January 18, 2015, 12:01:26 AM »
Did you ever read about the Georgia Guide Stones?

First guide line says, the earth should have no more than 500,000,000 population.

I think the planet is way overpopulated for one.
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Re: Get it! This is a scooter forum...
« Reply #23 on: January 18, 2015, 01:48:16 AM »
You are all to right. We are overpopulated but that is ending soon. I firmly believe this.
 They have already pilfered most of the gold, None of us know what is actually left in Fort Knox. They control all the mineral rights on the planet. Aquifers are being taken as we speak.

Scramble the internet, collapse the banks, scramble all the accounts around the globe, shut down the power grid, and it's over for most of the civilized world.
The Bible tells the world will end by fire. (no coincidence the bible was written by the same order that controls the planet today) Electricity is that fire, and computer code is transmitted via fire. What a nice guy Uncle Bill is for supplying something to collect every bit of data about us. Something we have all come to rely on to get us out of bed, and tell us where to turn next. Thank you Seri! It's done.

Who is/was RC Christian?
Guy de (R)otths( C)hild  Christian of the Illuminati.  The obvious is the unseen. It's done!

« Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 01:57:09 AM by zombie »
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Re: Get it! This is a scooter forum...
« Reply #24 on: January 18, 2015, 03:49:32 AM »
I'm very convinced it's ending soon too.

My mom says she's happy she's old and is going to die soon so she don't have to see where it's headed and I personally
always wanted to have been born around 15 years earlier. I'd be around 70 now.
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Re: Get it! This is a scooter forum...
« Reply #25 on: January 18, 2015, 06:54:43 PM »
I have mixed feelings about all of this.
There are solutions to end the monopoly of the elite but this is too radical to discuss on the internet, and I have no clue if there are any groups out there that see this or have something in mind.
The mixed feelings come in at home. How much can one person do? Does having a greater understanding of what we are capable of really make a difference? Do we really want to know?
This sort of reminds me of the twilight zone episode where all the fella wanted to do was read. When he got his wish, he lost his glasses.

Where is the advantage in enlightenment when there is a greater plan to stop this? In fact IS there a greater plan or is the idea that sh** birds want to take over just a paranoid, self defeating, idiosyncrasy of life?

My "gut" says one thing, my mind says another. Soooo that leaves me in a vacuum. Stand, and fight but wind up fighting alone, and for nothing? Do whatever it takes to clear my life of the things I perceive to be threats, and be satisfied with that?
What's the point in clarity if that is the end result!

I don't get it Brother...
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Re: Get it! This is a scooter forum...
« Reply #26 on: January 18, 2015, 07:39:42 PM »
This sort of reminds me of the twilight zone episode where all the fella wanted to do was read. When he got his wish, he lost his glasses.

I always liked that episode.Burgess Meredith pre-Penguin era. RIP :)
"There is a Fifth Dimension beyond which is known to Man. It is a Dimension as vast as Space and as timeless as Infinity......It is an area which we call 'The Twilight Zone' .   "Rod Serling


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Re: Get it! This is a scooter forum...
« Reply #27 on: January 18, 2015, 09:20:42 PM »
I couldn't remember his name... I tried but Kusjhey Ubwnerths was all I could think of. Soooo sad. ::)
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Re: Get it! This is a scooter forum...
« Reply #28 on: January 18, 2015, 11:50:05 PM »
I have mixed feelings about all of this.
There are solutions to end the monopoly of the elite but this is too radical to discuss on the internet, and I have no clue if there are any groups out there that see this or have something in mind.
The mixed feelings come in at home. How much can one person do? Does having a greater understanding of what we are capable of really make a difference? Do we really want to know?
This sort of reminds me of the twilight zone episode where all the fella wanted to do was read. When he got his wish, he lost his glasses.

Where is the advantage in enlightenment when there is a greater plan to stop this? In fact IS there a greater plan or is the idea that sh** birds want to take over just a paranoid, self defeating, idiosyncrasy of life?

My "gut" says one thing, my mind says another. Soooo that leaves me in a vacuum. Stand, and fight but wind up fighting alone, and for nothing? Do whatever it takes to clear my life of the things I perceive to be threats, and be satisfied with that?
What's the point in clarity if that is the end result!

I don't get it Brother...

I soo very much feel like you. What's real, what's not. Can we fix it and if we try, is there opposition and if so, how much. After all, if they are truly
as powerful as we think, then CAN we do something if they indeed control everything.

For me this is like thinking about the universe. If it is endless, how the hell is it endless? I've always grown up to think that everything ends at some point.
What do you mean it doesn't end? How is it possible?
On the other hand, if there IS an end. What do you mean there's an end. We come to the edge of the universe and then what?

The big bang created the universe...WHAT created the big bang?

God created universe...WHO created god?

I readily admit I'm not smart enough to figure it out or deal with all this.

Pictures of our solar system seem from the outside...? Really? How were those taken?
I'm thinking they're just generated from looking inside out and knowing the positions of stars/planets
relative to each other (did I use the correct word).

Speed of light is 300,000 km/s
How did they measure that?

Maybe I'm just getting dumb and old (well yes I am, thank you very much).

At this point it just gets easier to stop thinking...   :(

As for my favorite twilight episode. I like the one where this woman (I think) finds some trinket
in the backyard that lets her wish anything she wants. All of a sudden she hears over the radio that
war has been declared and she sees a missile in the air. She wishes for it to stop and it does, everything stops.
There she is, surrounded by people but everyone and everything is frozen in time. She is soo lonely but the only way
to get some company is to start it all again, knowing this will instead destroy the world...

Yep, I agree with my mom...
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Re: Get it! This is a scooter forum...
« Reply #29 on: January 19, 2015, 12:45:53 AM »
We're in the same boat. What to do next...

Pictures of our solar system seem from the outside...? Really? How were those taken?
That's about one of the funniest things I have ever heard, let alone think about for a millisecond. Maybe they slipped up like in a modern movie about the invention of the light bulb, but if you look close... There is a jumbo jet flying in the background. I don't know.

I now have to wonder if there is anyone that DOESN'T think about these things. If there is... WTF?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2015, 12:48:35 AM by zombie »
"They have nothing in their whole imperial arsenal that can break the spirit of one Irishman who doesn't want to be broken."   Bobby Sands...

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