Welcome Kymco Owners!
Homer is in the Kenai banana belt. Been here 7 years, been visiting 6 years before that. Still haven't made it to Homer, got as close as Anchor. But the fishing was too good to keep going. Had a BMW R1150 at the time. Now I'm setting back and cruising on a '13 Xciting 500Ri. Doesn't much matter now, winter time you know.
Yep... it IS winter. This is where I grew up (and what Eastern Maine is looking like this year ) :
As this post clearly shows the blue "death zones", and the purple "vaporized dead zones". Man was not made to survive below 60 ish degrees f. That's all there is to it.
Happy Groundhog Day (yesterday ) .https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=831671400232127&set=a.466020896797181.108114.100001678246389&type=1&theaterhttps://www.facebook.com/BornRaisedInMaine/photos/a.450511068330235.93334.450419275006081/792793030768702/?type=1&theater
I ate the brain, Sis drank the blood, and all that is left is a hairy meatcicle under three feet of red snow.Good luck w/ that Bob.