Author Topic: B&W won't rev to high rpm  (Read 571 times)


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B&W won't rev to high rpm
« on: March 27, 2015, 03:32:37 PM »
Hello all! New to the forum.  I wasn't really sure where to post this, forgive the 2 location postings.
I'm working on a b&w 250 that will not rev over a couple of thousand rpms.
I've cleaned the carb, and checked the slide diaphragm a few times for holes and tears (none), the carb was actually really clean.
I've adjusted the valves, they had 0 lash.
I tested the tps using an ohm meter, meter moves up and down the range ok, no dead spots.
I pulled the air box intake hose off, and when I put a finger into the throat close to the slide, I can get it to rev to redline!
It seems to point to carb problems but I cannot find anything wrong with the carb.
I connected an external fuel supply to eliminate bad gas and fuel pump.
Bypassed the 2 vacuum lines on the intake manifold.
I sprayed liquid around the intake and carb to check for vacuum leaks, no change in idle or reving.
It seems no matter the circumstance the bike won't rev.
It's as if the timing is not advancing.  I'm going to put a strobe light on it today and see what happens.
Any suggestions in the meantime?

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