Author Topic: My 2014 Super 8 2T So slow  (Read 4786 times)


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My 2014 Super 8 2T So slow
« on: March 29, 2015, 03:56:24 AM »
Hello forum. New to scooters (and forums for that matter).  Rented some in Daytona on Vacation, and loved it.  I bought a 2014 Super 8 2T, and had it derestricted by dealer at 165 miles (smooth variator & jet that came under seat, and drilled out exhaust).  I am 6 foot 6 inch (I know, that's why I bought a big scooter) and a bit fat at 270.  Now that you are done laughing, I can only get to about 30 MPH on flat ground.  The Super 8 starts and runs like a top otherwise. It has been cold out, about 45 degrees F, and it now has only about 325 miles.  I have been breaking it in, so only open throttle for maybe 30-45 second runs, then slow down for a while before another. Dealer was super nice, and sent mechanic to my house to verify derestrict was done properly, and test drove it.  He said Kymco engines are sometimes really "tight" and it will loosen up and be like a different bike and do high 30's or 40 MPH easy, but it could take till 5-600 miles.

I do trust this dealer, but I would love to hear that from a seasoned pro here.  I know that they loosen up, but another 10MPH?    The derestrict added about 5 or so MPH. 

BTW, I also bought a 2015 50cc Genuine Rough House, and that one almost knocks me off the seat with acceleration.  I only have 30 miles on that on and have not really opened it up, but it was not even breathing hard at speedo 40 MPH (though that seemed more generous than the Super 8).

Any comments appreciated.  I LOVE scooting around, but I am banished to residential back streets if it winds to a top speed of 30.


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Re: My 2014 Super 8 2T So slow
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2015, 07:26:36 AM »
Look up my exhaust derestriction on here, and show it to the dealer. It involves more than just drilling it out. It'll get you at least 35. Also with your 270, no offense at all, 35 might be all its got without actually getting into a few "mods" such as lighter roller weights and such.
2002 Kymco B&W 300; MRP 78MM "300CC", Naraku cam, Yoshimura rS3 exhaust, 17g Sliders, Yellow torque spring drilled airbox, stock carb #115 main #40 pj.

2001 "Yamaha" Zuma AKA MBK Booster; MHR OverRange, Dellorto 19mm BHBG, Polini "big" intake, RS-3 Rear shock, Stock cylinder.


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Re: My 2014 Super 8 2T So slow
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2015, 11:19:43 AM »
Here is Bettin's derestriction.

Take note of the blind pipe (photo #3) that comes out of the exhaust and goes to nowhwere. That has to be sawed off, whats left that protrudes into the main pipe removed and then the hole that results from sawing off the blind pipe welded shut.

Take note on the suggestion to upjet to a minimum #85 main jet if doing this mod.

The exhaust mod gave me 4 MPH  extra on the top end.

I also did the idle air screw mod. Its been said some are not set right a factory. If not set right, the bike will run too lean or rich at idle speeds (1/4 throttle). Im not sure if the idle airscrew effects leanness or richness while the throttle is wide open; but to me it helps find a nice idling sweetspot.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2015, 12:03:27 PM by Chris0381 »
2013 Super 8 50cc 2T Air Cooled Mfg'd 2012
Stock pipe derestriction
Smooth Boss
6.5gm Dr Pulley sliders
Malossi Torsion Controller
Malossi Fly Clutch- yellow springs
Polini Variator
#95 Main Jet
Purple Malossi Contra Spring
42 MPH on the flats with the wind


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Re: My 2014 Super 8 2T So slow
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2015, 01:27:21 PM »
Thanks Guys.  It is a bit new to do that level of mod just yet.  If I can read between the lines, no one agrees that it is just a tight engine? In your experience, will I get any more speed between 300 and 600 miles? I might just keep it a season and sell/trade it and get another rough house.


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Re: My 2014 Super 8 2T So slow
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2015, 01:29:51 PM »
BTW, anyone know the jet size of the jet that comes under the seat with the smooth variator boss? I thought I heard the dealer say 82?


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Re: My 2014 Super 8 2T So slow
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2015, 01:56:49 PM »
Its an 82 jet and I'd put it on right now if you can.

Will it go faster after loosening up, It will a bit but dont bet on it.

You wont just get a faster speed with Bettin's mod; you will get all around good performance.

Are you good with a dremel tool or know someone that can saw it and grind the pipe out for you and then a welder to close the hole.

Other option is to get a Nakuru Traffic Exhaust thats better than the stock exhaust.

Then the big mods: performance expansion chamber exhaust, big bore kit, open air filter that Im reluctant to do right now.
2013 Super 8 50cc 2T Air Cooled Mfg'd 2012
Stock pipe derestriction
Smooth Boss
6.5gm Dr Pulley sliders
Malossi Torsion Controller
Malossi Fly Clutch- yellow springs
Polini Variator
#95 Main Jet
Purple Malossi Contra Spring
42 MPH on the flats with the wind


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Re: My 2014 Super 8 2T So slow
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2015, 02:01:40 PM »
Thanks.  The dealer did put the new jet on.


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Re: My 2014 Super 8 2T So slow
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2015, 02:10:00 PM »
If you use a magnifying glass, the jet size will be marked on the jet, very small, have to look carefully.  I would get the replaced jet back from the dealer, may come in handy later.

If you have bucks to buy another scooter, consider Super 8 150.  My son-n-law has one, it's a great scooter, it will easily pull you over 50mph, plus will have 2 shocks on back, instead of one like on your 50's.  At your size, 2 shocks would be better IMO.
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Re: My 2014 Super 8 2T So slow
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2015, 02:10:34 PM »
Also, back to the original question, does the cold weather make the air cooled engine perform poorly, and maybe in 70+ F weather it will perform better?


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Re: My 2014 Super 8 2T So slow
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2015, 02:13:10 PM »
The plan was to start with these and buy a motorcycle or bigger scooter if I continue to enjoy it.  In IA, a 150 needs motorcycle lic and insurance. I know I am too big for these, but the Rough House has no problem at all.


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Re: My 2014 Super 8 2T So slow
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2015, 02:34:26 PM »
Im in Connecticut and mid summer the scooter does 42 MPH (flats, smooth road, with the wind) with my basic de-restriction mods. Once the cold weather hits 50 F, I get about 38-39 MPH. So I do lose a bit.
2013 Super 8 50cc 2T Air Cooled Mfg'd 2012
Stock pipe derestriction
Smooth Boss
6.5gm Dr Pulley sliders
Malossi Torsion Controller
Malossi Fly Clutch- yellow springs
Polini Variator
#95 Main Jet
Purple Malossi Contra Spring
42 MPH on the flats with the wind


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Re: My 2014 Super 8 2T So slow
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2015, 02:47:27 PM »
Right now, with a strong tailwind on essentially flat ground I can eak out maybe 30-32... so in warm weather, fully broken in, 35+ range seem possible (which is all the dealer ever really promised). My weight definitely will come into play on inclines.  Poor S8, I know how it feels from when I ride my bike.


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Re: My 2014 Super 8 2T So slow
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2015, 03:02:22 PM »
Well js, getting 35 mph top speed is one thing, but getting 35 mph easily with good low end performance is another. And thats where a lot of these mods come into play.

Change variator weights.
Change torque (contra spring)
Change small clutch springs.
Pull out air tube from airbox and upjet.
Derestrict or get new exhaust.
Fine tune carb airscrew.
Increase PSI in tires within safe limits.
Open CVT cover to clean out dust and make sure pulleys are clean.

All these little things. I have gone through every post her more than 2x and have scoured of parts etc just to see whats out there and what works and doesnt work for some. Everyones bike and riding styles and requirements are different. I have lots of hillS here in CT.
2013 Super 8 50cc 2T Air Cooled Mfg'd 2012
Stock pipe derestriction
Smooth Boss
6.5gm Dr Pulley sliders
Malossi Torsion Controller
Malossi Fly Clutch- yellow springs
Polini Variator
#95 Main Jet
Purple Malossi Contra Spring
42 MPH on the flats with the wind


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Re: My 2014 Super 8 2T So slow
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2015, 03:15:29 PM »
Excellent point Chris.  It takes forever to wind up to 30mph right now, but the restrict definitely helped the bike out of the hole.  The one I rented in FL required me to use my feet to get it going from a dead stop, not the case with the S8 right now. Interestingly, it is very smooth and acceptable all the way till about 25 MPH where it just seems to have little left to give.

BTW, thanks to all who replied.  This is a great forum, not only because good advise is dispensed from those who know what they are talking about, but also how quickly you get back.  Thanks again.


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Re: My 2014 Super 8 2T So slow
« Reply #14 on: March 30, 2015, 10:46:48 PM »
Yes, Genuine Roughhouse is cool scooter.  They have one out now "Titanium Package" that has 12" wheels, looks very good to me.  I think Genuine does better marketing job than Kymco, but I think Kymco are generally better scooters, just my opinion.  Also, there are more used Kymco bargains than Genuine around here.  The used Genuine scooters seem to sell at premium compared to Kymco, so the Kymcos always look better to me.  Less $'s for better scooter?  Cheers
1st and 2nd usually have an unfair advantage.  3rd is usually the best, can learn the most from.  paraphrased from Don Quixote, over 400 years ago, still true today

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