The cookset is definitely for backpackers but yes that's the idea. Small, small, small. I just looked at YT videos for ideas and took as little as possible. I'm a fair weather amper so just a small tent from walmart. Sleeping bag was not small but it fit fine with the other stuff. Looked for a folding camp chair but when I saw the prices for those really small ones (too much) so I just took a regular one that I had in the garage. Didn't seem to hang out that much from the sides. Food took up a lot of room in the saddlebags. Only took one bottle of water and then refilled with spigot water at the site. Had a lot of fun but the experience of camping by myself was definitely different. Need to get a group together. That will be even more fun.
I'd kill for your connection. I'm only uploading at 1Mb/sec. Usually do it overnight. This particular video is iPhone video. I import it into iMovie on my Mac, edit it and upload to YT. You must have FIOS DSL for those kind of speeds. Frontier tells me I'm as fast as I can get with 7Mb down and 1Mb up. Looking to change provider but cable has a limit and they tack on charges for extra GB. With Frontier, the price is the price and I can pump as much data all month long for the same money.