If you look around on web, I think you will find Malosssi 519988 kit listed as fitting Super 9 LC too. Some listings show it, some don't, but I think it fits. I have Super 9 LC and I plan on ordering this kit too. I already have it for my People 50 2T and really like it. I found the white torque spring didn't work, but the 9gr rollers were right on with the OEM torque spring installed.
Count the number of coils on the white spring when you get your kit and compare it to the OEM torque spring you take out. If like mine, the white spring has more coils and is longer than the OEM. I installed it and it was way too strong, engine rev'd to the moon and I was going maybe 30mph top speed. I think Malossi packaged the white spring wrong. There is a shorter white spring Malossi makes, but if like my kit, you don't get it, so you have to do a work around. Cheers