How is that a bad thing?
Water boils at 100C. Ethanol boils at 78.4C. But the azeotropic mixture of 95.63% ethanol and 4.37% water boils at 78.2C. We make it easier to get expansion in-cylinder.
It is actually a good thing BUT the energy rating is far less than gasoline so to create the same power you need more fuel. MPG, HP, and Torque all go down.
E10-RD1 (E10 gasoline with the 10% ethanol tranformed into RD1) has:
102,391.38 BTU Gasoline + 7448 BTU ethanol + 858.753239 BTU acetone + 0 BTU water
~110,698.133 BTU / gallon
From my example above,
E10 gasoline has ~104481 BTU gasoline + 7600 BTU ethanol = 112081 BTU/gallon.
Straight gasoline has ~116,090 Btu/gal.
So going to E10-RD1 represents a 1.234% lower energy content than E10 gasoline.
Wrong. The azeotropic mixture of 95.63% ethanol and 4.37% water always contains water, but ethanol doesn't necessarily contain much water from the fuel pump... if it did, when temperatures dropped a bit, you'd get phase separation and your engine would run rough (or not at all) as that water/ethanol mixture settled to the bottom of your tank and got sucked up by the fuel pump.
Well that is actually the main issue w/ ethanol blended fuels. Phase separation. There are additives besides the Ethanol to counter act this but set a cup of EtOH fuel in your freezer, and you will see it happen.
"Phase Separation describes what happens to gasoline containing Ethanol when water is present. When gasoline containing even small amounts of Ethanol comes in contact with water, either liquid or in the form of humidity; the Ethanol will pick-up and absorb some or all of that water. When it reaches a saturation point the Ethanol and water will Phase Separate, actually coming out of solution and forming two or three distinct layers in the tank.
Phase Separation is also temperature dependent. For example, E-10 can hold approximately .05% water at 60°F. To better understand the amount of water that we are talking about, picture 1 gallon of E-10 at 60°F. This gallon will hold approximately 3.8 teaspoons of water. However if the temperature drops to 20°F it can only hold about 2.8 teaspoons of water."
Yeah. But the acetone acts as a buffer to hold much more water in solution with the hydrocarbon. I'll be doing experiments to determine the stability of that solution at various temperatures soon.
Huh? Ethanol has an octane rating of 113. It raises the octane rating of gasoline. It does, however, lower the energy content.
E10 gasoline has ~104481 BTU gasoline + 7600 BTU ethanol = 112081 BTU/gallon.
Straight gasoline has ~116,090 Btu/gal.
This represents a loss of ~3.45% energy content.
Exactly. Water plus EtOH reduce the power output of every engine designed to run on gasoline.
But again, if we crank a billion BTUs per intake cycle worth of fuel into the cylinder, it wouldn't matter one iota if our expansion medium didn't expand efficiently.
Conversely, if we can utilize an expansion medium that expands more than air while using the same or less energy input as air, we come out ahead. Water is that expansion medium. We throw a lot of the heat of combustion away via temperature peaks because air doesn't expand linearly. It's not an Ideal Gas. We can get the same expansion (and thus cylinder pressure) from ~500 F peak combustion temperature with water flashing to steam as would require 1300 F for air alone.
The water's there (and eventually, the hydroxide will be there) for the express purpose of facilitating in-cylinder combustion and expansion. The water will be preheated to just below its latent heat of vaporization, so it doesn't have to absorb much heat in-cylinder to flash to steam.
Hemiacetals are notoriously unstable compounds. They stand in for the hydroxide radicals that will be used at a later date. Having hemiacetals in-cylinder isn't a bad thing.
There's a reason Racing Discol 1 became popular amongst racers (purportedly it gave power and fuel efficiency gains over straight gasoline). I intend to re-discover exactly what that reason was, and if it's still applicable to modern-day fuel.
I don't get where you think these hydroxides will come from or the preheating of the water before injection.
The liquid to be injected will be preheated from coolant heat exiting the engine. By getting the water as near its latent heat of vaporization as possible prior to it reaching the cylinder, the amount of in-cylinder heat it must absorb to flash to steam is minimized. Thus it flashes faster and contributes more to cylinder pressure.
But it's not just water, since the water is in the fuel... and evaporating the fuel will also have benefits as regards quicker combustion. page 39, it shows the carbon number percentages for regular and premium gasolines, as well as the evaporation percentages versus temperature.
For regular gasoline, at 210F (temperature of coolant exiting the engine), we'd evaporate the gasoline up to carbon number 7, which would account for ~63% of regular gasoline.
Here's a chart showing the vapor pressures of the various carbon number hydrocarbons: hydroxides are easy enough to make. H
2O's constituent basic and acidic components during electrolysis are OH
- (hydroxide) and H
+ (hydronium). A voltage applied to water separates out the hydroxide and hydronium. Draw from your water tank at the hydroxide end to inject hydroxide-rich water. No large electrolysis current needed, just voltage to keep the basic and acidic components of water separated. It doesn't take a lot of hydroxide to greatly assist combustion.
Like I said earlier it is FAR easier to advance the Ign. timing, and inject (separately) pure water. Get the amount of advance, and water correct, and you will see an increase in both power, and MPG. This has nothing to do with Unicorn pee theory. It is simply as you expressed... The expansion of gasses in the cylinder. The advanced ignition allows for more power to be extracted from the gasoline, and the steam expansion of the water adds the "bonus" power.
Only problem is that in the long term use of water injectors the oil suffers, as do the cylinder walls, and piston rings. The cylinder is essentially steam cleaned on every cycle, and more frequent oil changes are needed as to correct steam passing the rings.
The cylinder will be WPC treated to maximize its oil holding capability and thus ring seal. It'll be WS2 coated to minimize friction. The piston will have a Total Seal gapless top ring to minimize blowby. The engine will be run hotter, so any water in the oil should boil off.
There is a current thread on peroxides as fuel here...
That's nice, but I didn't say anything about peroxides. I said hydroxide.
Peroxide is H
2. Hydroxide is OH
Peroxide is one step up the chain in facilitating combustion. I'm going for that last step in the chain. Less delay.
It did not get too in depth because the topic has been beaten to death as has Ethanol in gasoline.
It's a fun idea to play with, and some small gains may be realized but the side issues far outweigh the tiny advantage. I did far better with methanol, and benzine blends, and almost stock jetting 30 years ago.
EtOH is one of two future fuels (bio-diesel, and EtOH) if we INSIST on keeping IC engines as the norm. As an additive it sucks, Literately sucks power, absorbs water, and creates mechanical problems in vehicles not designed to use it.
It (EtOH) is cheap, and readily available. Benzine, and methanol are not. Pure gasoline is the best, and least expensive option.
I wanted to add this thought...
It may be a better experiment to see if you can properly gauge your injection system to run on diesel fuel(s).
Perhaps some combo of diethelether, and diesel...
Then you're getting into changing out not only your connecting rod and piston, but your bearings as well, to handle the shock load of diesel deflagration. If I were to do that, I'd make a really beefy direct-injection engine that was designed to detonate.