Some of the other brands have pre-selectable "gears" ( first, second, etc) and continuous. Kymco only has continuous as far as I know. So this "gear" business is fertilized by ignorance of the dealer/tech. Further, it is a stretch to have a Kymco CVT malfunction within 5000 miles of being born. A big defect of manufacture. De dee had a belt way too long for his new DT300i which jacked his rpm but it worked. The point is, your bike is not right and YOUR DEALER IS NOT DOING ANYTHING but feeding you hot vapor as to what is wrong. I don't know what the belt size is in your machine is but it should be 1004 mm (pitch line length), 25 mm wide and 30 degree "V". These belt do not "slip" in the true sense of slip UNLESS SOMETHING IS WRONG! New Kymcos, in my multi-machine experience work well from the start, generally. Dealers, in my experience, have cared less about anything after the sale and have REQUIRED KYMCO US INTERVENTION to get them to do ANYTHING. The Regional Sales Rep is you best friend in such situations. I get it you are busy with wrapping your old brain around finishing that degree ( good for you!) but you deserve better treatment. There should be NO SQUEALING OR GRINDING IN A NEW MACHINE!
PS: I am opinionated and gruff on some issues I feel about strongly. I am angry at dealers that treat customers like idle morons. I WILL concede a badly worn belt will change the beginning RATIO. Beyond that my tirade is still directed to the dealer not you, the customer.