I think where they went wrong was scrapping the "People" lineup. People 150 was our number one seller, the S200 had a slightly higher top speed but much more comfortable for tall riders, the People 250 and S250 were AWESOME and $1000 less than the new 300cc bikes, and you cant leave out the champ People 50 2t, de-restricted can go 45 all day long. Why they took these out and replaced them with almost 100% Chinese models, no one will ever know. When I have customers that ask for 250ccs, I have to tell them sorry the step is from "200cc" (and depressingly admit that it's actually a 163cc) to 300cc, with a price out of the normal scooterist budget. We have customers that are riding their People 150 past 50,000km and I've seen multiple 250cc's past that mark. My inside info leads me to the conclusion that they are focusing on the ATV UTV market, sadly a greater market in the USA than scooters. Also the new VP of Kymco is from mainland China, and I also think this has to do with why we are seeing a lot of the Chinese Kymco, he's hooking his brothers in China up with all the manufacturing. The mid cc bikes are the same price, but far lower quality then when I started working on and selling them 7 years ago.