You're correct...I've had my spare in a box, waiting, for two years.
I get a little dust on the black plastic, but the filter never seems to collect any dirt.
But you - riding in the desert that is now California....that
is strange.
Something to do with the aerodynamics of the body-work ...keeping the filter in clean air above the road surface?
(it certainly isn't the hypersonic speeds I'm travelling)
I'm pretty certain that most of that howling I hear when I get near WOT is the air intake noise at high where's the dirt?
Maybe B&L can tell us what goes on here?
did pick up a little debris, and some squirrel parts, when I took that counter-steering induced high-side dismount into the shrubs --- that night the Republicans tried to silence me with their
Tractor Beam back during the Govmn't Shut Down of 2012, or '13.)
(Sharp eyed members say they can see the gleam of my spectacles where I landed in the shrubbery on the R side of the road. It was only the many Counter Steering posts on this forum , which might have thoroughly confused a lesser man, and my new Walmart sneakers - which saved me.... to ride again.)