Worked over the w/e to add a bit of visibility to my stealth flat gray & black Burgman. (white went away in 2012 I think)
Kids love these rattle-can flat primer colors I guess.....judging by all the old S-10's and 15 yr old Civics sporting that color. (my 15 yr old daugther said I should have opted for the only other color avail to me - flat black. "So cool!" Geez.)
But I'd wager there are darn few youngsters buying Burgmans!
Added a flective "S" in the footwells and on the rear; black looking 3M reflective areas on the rear rubber fender area.
The 1/8" 3M red reflective pin stripe is doing what I want it to do.
I certainly agree about the black helmets. My son bought his black helmet - I bought him a better one and it is hi viz. He wears it and the hi viz Icons I bought him. Got him some reflective rim tapes as well, and talked him into a white front fender to replace the matte black one Honda put on his white CB500x.

I never ride in heavy traffic in the dark. Most of my dark sunrise rides I hardly see another car.
Love tyour pix!!
My daughter and I did see a "his & hers" pair of red Grand Vistas on the road the other warm/sunny day. Easy to spot that unfortunate looking scooter - but very sharp red color!