No, no. That´s a severe misunderstanding.
The MAIN fuse "panel" is pretty quickly and easily reachable in the battery compartment.
The ridicule starts with this poor 12V socket in the glove box.....
Nowadays in the 21th century / 3rd millenium a 0.5Amp or 0.7Amp (can´t remember) fused 12V socket in the glovebox "no vale para nada" .....
For our iphones, ipads, android smartphones, whatever... we would need at least 1Amps or 1,5Amps without blowing that fuse immediately!
Kymco seems to be stubborn on three issues at least with the Like models:
1) The unnecessary lousy seat/saddle quality
2) The unnecessary annoying self glare issue with the headlight/high beam at night
3) The unnecessary weak 12V socket fuse problem
All three issues could be solved very easily with a minimum investment at the production line.
But Kymco for sure has reasons for not letting have one of it´s cash cows these three minor nonexpensive improvements...