Hey Tom,
thanks for asking. Personally I´m doing quiet fine so far, except the fact that we Europeans in general are facing quiet a severe overall change situation here, unfortunately not to the better. Europe is being flooded with refugees and migrants, as you might know from the world news.......
Best wishes and regards,
The refugee situation in Europe is too - amazing.
I doubt many countries would know how to handle this sad and scary situation. The scale of it all is almost impossible to imagine. So many hundreds, or thousands,
each day - pouring into countries. How to deal with the health, safety & lodging of these immigrants -- that must begin to feel like
invaders to the home country citizens. What governmental social network could handle this type of human flooding of their resources and facilities?
I sometimes wonder if it might be better for European countries to band together, build a force, and try to root out the causes that are driving these refugees to flee their homelands. Might make better financial sense as well. I also think that possibly some of these people are not so much refugees from terror - as they are seeing that Europe (with it's abundant social safety nets)
will indeed host a refugee - so they decide to follow along and improve their simple living situations as well. An opportunity is presented to them, to step into this flood of humanity who truly are in danger.
What to do about it all.....
What a massive problem.
We have a smaller scale issue with peoples from South & Central America, and Mexico.
I am told that 52% of kindergarten children in the USA are other than caucasian.
A joke is, that soon enough, if you want English on the phone you will need to press 2.
But, in my small rural Ohio town, it is the drugs flowing through from Mexico that has the bigger impact. Heroin is the #1 cause of death in young people in my area.
Like polio - I thought heroin was gone. But no, it is back with a vengeance.
But tomorrow sunrise it will be 31°F, warm enough for a long scooter ride to my coffee village. At last!
Clear skies so I will be alert for frost on the roads and take it easy in corners. Only one ride since Xmas eve.
Too long.
(the coffee is OK, not too special. It is the excuse to ride and a place to stop, then turn around, that is important.
There are no Grand Canyons or Eiffel Towers or sea coasts in rural Ohio! The big recent news is that I think my youngest daughter will be going to Paris next year with her schoolmates. I am teaching her how to buy French bread, find a toilet, the Eiffel Tower and her bus.

Take care, Tom T.