From everything I have read on the zx, It has one of the strongest crank set ups you can get. The rev limit can be set at any point you desire, but WHY? Your set up will most likely spin up to 11'000 and still be strong so maybe set a limit around 12'000-12'500. If you go thru Suitai, I would suggest standard timing, and that 12ish # for the limit. It,s going to be a steep learning curve for your kit, so I would think to wait on the cdi until the carb is set up. Your de-restricted cdi will do the same as their new one it just may not last as long. I was eating them up, until I bought the last one. The way It was explained to me is the circuit will overheat with high rpm's, and that causes the failure. With your stock carb. I don't think you will be spinning over 7,000-8,000 rpms. w/ the larger carb it is a whole new tuning game. Do you have a make or mm size for the carb they suggest? You want to be sure it is a quality carb. or the tunning will be that much harder. I prefer anything w/ a turn off cap on top. Mine has a bolt on, and has ALWAYS been trouble. I wound up making an epoxy glass cap the seals much better, and is much more stable.