Same head? The piston dome! can you compare your old one to the new one? Put a straight edge across the old dome, and measure to the edge. aNOTHER FACTOR IS THE COMBUSTION CHAMBER on your head. It may be affecting the travel of your new piston. (most likely) You will have to pull the jug to measure the new piston but I have NEVER seen a larger jug work w/ a smaller head. That's your tapping. The piston is hitting the outer edge of the head, and not the valves. You can fix that by fitting 1-2 more base gaskets under the jug, but you will wind up w/ a HY-BRED combustion chamber that may burn pistons faster than rings. The fix is to go back to the supplier of the jug, and get the MATCHING head. Ask if your cam/valves/springs/timing chain will fit, or if they all need replacement. Sorry it took soooo long to figure, but I am at home, and you are there. I'm sure this is the problem.