yes i am back...sorry slinger. anyway, at least inferno mentions wall street!!!!!!! thank you very much (its the PRIVATE sector that makes the economy), and you think I am sooooo wrong.... id also say axy is getting this info from one screne and posting on another verbaitme, BUT i do like the knowledgable effort. he seems very intelligent......
This is no place to go into such details, but I have B. Sc in business economy, MBA in ICT business management and currently I am working on my ph.d. in Business Administration. (I am completing 1st year of 3-year doctoral studies after MBA at the local University of Economy).
Considering that I am interested in political economy and philosophy and development of economic thought, recently, I have been researching the "shock doctrine" of USA (and neoliberals, Chicago school etc.), war in Iraq, events after "freeing up" the markets in Chile, Poland, USSR, Far East crisis at the end of 90s, and produced a number of 70+ page scientific papers on the topic.
I am not getting that info from "screens", at least not while posting, I tend to remember and accumulate a lot of information along the way.
I have been also fully employed for the past seven years in one of the world`s biggest oil&energy multinationals in function of middle manager and have been working for BP as a client.
Also, I am quite interested in macro economy and oil&energy sector, so tend to know quite a bit about all these topics (unfortunately, there is never enough knowledge).