Okay, so I got my new 7 gram rollers last week. As I previously said, I saw in a workshop manual that the stock rollers were 8.5 grams. So I went on to took everything apart and installed the new rollers. Not a very complicated task, when you already have a compressor and an impact gun. So, i took the variator apart. I expecteted something bigger....man this thing is small! Installed the new 7 gram rollers, malossi ones, and mounted everything back together. Installing with the rubber gasket propoerly back on is, by the way, the most complicated and delicate part of all the work. Once done, evrything starts right away, no funny noises. So I go on. Man, there is NO change whatsoever in accelaration or hill climbing ability. So, I take one of the old rollers, set it on the electronic food balance in the kitchen and guess what...it weighs ...7 GRAMS!!!! AAARGH.
Ordered 6 gram rollers.
I'll let you know what comes out of it. As of the upside of all this, I am happy to report that working on those little machines is quite easy. Proof of it is the fact that I have been riding it for a few days now and I obviously put everything back together adequately. I had no previous experience on that kind of mechanicals before. Hope something is of anyhelp to anyone in what precedes!