Yes, I have it . It covers the scooter just like it does my car. Comprehensive including theft, collision, liability, PiP, bodily injury.
uninsured motorists ?
For $113.50 I have bodily injury of 250000 /person 500000 /occurrence, 100000 property damage. 250000/500000 uninsured. another 250000/500000 under-insured. And comp/collision and towing with a $250 deductible.
I still don't see full coverage...... when you get sued for $1,000,000 or have only $249 in damage
yes you have good coverage with fairly high limits, as I do my self,
it is what it is, coverage with limits and deductibles, state minimums are a joke and the reason it's wise to carry under insured coverage
no matter how much insurance you have, you can still get more.....and there ain't no such thing as "full coverage"