On this page you'll find some pix I made when rebuilding my LIKE seat. You can see how much foam I added.....after sawing off that + shaped bit on the seat pan.
The hardest part is pulling the wrinkles out of the new vinyl cover and getting new staples shot in at the same time. Need a good gun, and the correct motorcycle seat vinyl.
I don't think I've heard you complain about the seat shape - as some people really seem to have no problem with it. Good for them - most of Asia is OK with it , too. Asians seem to do Tijuana-type custom seats to be different/cool/individual.
IF you feel that seat-pan bump - then doing a custom seat cover fixes nothing. You have to add a good bit of foam to make it go away....and that would raise the seat height way above comfortable riding for an Asian.
At 6'3" I'm flat footed at stops - even after adding 3" or 4" of proper seating foam! (you must buy the correct stuff from a company that sells purpose-made seating foam - paying attention to how they say the different types should be used ) It took me a few days to build my new seat - and two attempts to cover it - but now I no longer hunt for better rear shocks, or have to get off for breaks after 1/2 an hour.
If you're happy with your seat comfort - a car seat upholstery shop should be able to recover it for a modest price - giving you several options on the type/color cover.
Unbolt it and take it in for an estimate?