Been riding since 1975. My first road accident, crap.
Three of us were riding, I was number two in line.
Beautiful day, bright sunshine, we were in a tiny town doing about 30mph.
I did not see the leader put his turn signal on (sunshine, tinted shield).
I was in the right track he was in the left track. He looked left for a second
and so did I. When I looked forward again he was right in front of me angled
for a right turn. I hit both brakes and pointed left. Missed him but went down
, guess I was doing 10-15mph. Felt my left foot fold under me and helmet hitting
the ground.
Sprained left foot and right wrist. There are about 8 scratch points on the left side.
My brand new (custom Taiwan) mirrors survived, they have a cam detent. Whoopee !
So at 30mph I was moving 44 feet in one second, think I was about 50 feet behind him.
Not seeing his turn signal seems the critical issue.
Its all good, nice to have some friends that helped me.