My wife had a few days off, so of course the pup and I had to get back to work....
Checking out at Lowe's (paint, new shutters, deck cleaner, etc.) and the cashier (who has known me for yrs when I bought 10's of thousands of $ of lumber for the county) asked me if I was "military ?".
I said, " yeah, but that was a long time ago. Not a Gulf War vet - for any discounts."
She said, "Can I see your driver's license ?"
I said I don't carry that laminated miniature DD-214 any longer. Kinda tore it up scraping the car windows.
She said, "No dumby, your driver's license."
I pulled it out of my wallet and she said, "See? It says 'Armed Forces' down here in the corner. You get a 10% discount." I wondered how the state of Ohio knew I was ex Army? I was inducted in Mass. Never knew that was on my license.
She knocked $12 off ....
Who knew?!