I may sell the old shield? Let me think about it a few days. Yes it is huge & does kind of change how the bike looks, but I like it, makes the bike look bigger. The only time I feel any wind/turbulance is if there is a fairly strong wind comming from the rear. I can feel it giving the bike a little push from behind, but really, you hardly feel it at all. Yes the shorter shield is a bit cooler, but since I ride mostly highways-freeways & such here in Arizona where the distance between anywhere is so vast, I think I will leave the GIVI on. It is so nice not to be pushed around when a semi passes me, I don't even think about a truck passing me anymore. The shield is that good. It's really like riding a big full dressed touring bike now, amazing! Anyway, make me an offer on the shield. & yes, it's in perfect shape.