About 1'500 feet from my back door is Tate's Hell. It goes about 40 miles long, and 60 miles wide. It's a national forest, so parts of it are patrolled, BUT I have gotten soooo lost back there I had to follow the sun to get home. There are still airfields back there from when drug running was the only income in Franklin county. Not as long ago as many of you may think I might add. I KID YOU NOT there are 8' rattlers, 1'200 pound wild hogs, 14' alligators, black widows, cotton mouths, coral snakes, bald eagles, Red hawks, vultures, and EVERYTHING else you can think of right behind my house. There is a 350-400 pound black bear that will eat anything you leave in the yard. He is part of the neighborhood. Last week he ate a GOAT that was inside my house the day the landlord showed the place to me. No one owned the goat ... he just sort of strolled around. That's why I have 3 dogs. This is the mom, her mate is even scaryier