..okay, let's try this again...wouldn't post on my last attempt...
..i've lost a lot of power..new plug, scoot doesn't smoke, haven't lost oil and valves are at spec....engine sounds like it's under a heavy load after initial take-off and will not build rpms...the engine sound from the carb's intake sounds like the slider won't open completely, even at top speed, which is just over 40 mph downhill..feels like it's being held back downhill and on the flats....uphill the engine bogs down and drops to around 25 mph...tried my oem carb with the same results...tried my oem torque driver with the same results..tried lighter rollers and the engine revs higher, but still no power...tried two different length belts with same results..
..turning the drive face by hand feels like normal compression...haven't checked compression with a gauge, but i would think if compression was the issue, i should feel a difference when turning the drive face...when i set my valve clearance sunday, it was still a bit difficult to turn to tdc....felt like it always has...
..final drive??..just changed the gear oil about a month ago, checked the level today...it's ok...but there is definately a louder noise from the final drive area as i spin the rear tire by hand...it's louder after a ride than when cold, but turns as free as ever, i think...the gearbox doesn't get too hot to touch even after a 15 mile ride...but the noise is there...
...any thoughts my brothers??