Sorta germain :
After my first visit to the home of my wife's parents....I asked her if her parents had renters in their back yard.
She laughed and said, "No, silly!"
I said, "But what is with that other nice L shaped ranch home back there?!" It was confusing because he added a second large double car garage door on the back of his 2 car garage....I figured so the tenets could drive right through his garage and park on the pad by their house in the back yard.
Her father builds stuff for a hobby...or to get away from my mother-in-law.
He built a nearly full sized L shaped ranch home 'garden shed' in his back yard; shingled roof, nice vinyl siding, several double glazed windows, a couple of doors, gutters, roof vents, etc., etc. Looks to be about 1500 sq ft. It is so big that it has its own garden shed.
I think he'll pay for the shingles if I let him roof my house for his birthday.