Update: I walked the scooter home and put it on the battery tender for an hour. The tender was still red, nonetheless I hit the ignition and it started up. I'm thinking the battery is not holding a charge, but not sure I can explain why it would not kick start? The scooter was new-old-stock, 2015 model with zero miles on it. The scooter was delivered to me mid-December, a little over 2 months ago. The dealer said it was a new battery installed during prep.
I'll call the dealer tomorrow and see what they say. I filled the tank up 2 months ago with 93 octane and right away put in some Stabil... there is about 3/4 of a tank now and 28 miles on the odometer. Unfortunately I'm not aware of any gas stations around that sell non-ethanol. Maybe there is something carb related, but there is something battery/electrical related to. Could a new battery solve all problems? One other key point, where we live, my son rarely goes on a trip longer than 2-3 miles before stopping. As a result he typically starts it up, lets it idle for about 5 minutes, then takes a 5-10 minute trip. I know this is not ideal for an engine. Maybe I need to tell him to take a few laps every other time he take it out to put 5-10 miles on it?
Next time we start it up should we put some carb cleaner in it?