Thank you Forbes. Nice to see someone reinvent themselves at an older age. Most, as they age resign themselves to failed dreams. You had to do that too with your accident. We can blame things on bad luck, circumstances or any other excuse or we can take action and make it happen. How you doing good buddy?
I'm doing well. Thanks for asking. Working every day and still adjusting to the new normal. Now I'm just waiting to see if my insurance will pay for the foot I need. But I'm truly thankful for the journey I've come so far.
I too admire those who reinvent themselves at an older age.
My mother was such a person too. At age 34 and the Mother of 7 children, she was encouraged by Daddy to fulfill her dream of going to college and becoming a Language Arts teacher. Daddy worked to make it happen. And it did. So I can only imagine the joy you feel and the sense of accomplishment your son feels.
The best is yet to come for him.
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