I have a 2009 Xciting RI ABS. It was not charging the battery, so I ordered the stator and regulator assembly.
Pulled the bike apart and did the stator and regulator replacement. Bike appeared dead when I attempted to start, had to replace the 30A fuse beside the starter relay. (Something *must* have happened while doing the repair, but I don't for the life of me know what).
Then the bike was throwing two ECU codes (O2 sensor heater out of spec, Ignition coil out of spec.)
Thought it was kind of weird to have two failures, but when I checked them against the spec in the repair manual, sure enough they were outside the listed acceptable range.
Ordered a new O2 sensor and Ignition coil. Replaced them, bike is still throwing these two codes, can't reset the codes with the procedure in the manual.
Looked at the schematic diagram and saw that the ECU pin #1 ground was common to both sensors. Measured from pin 1 to the ground connector on the ignition coil, came up with <1 ohm. (Using a Fluke 87 meter). Checked again from pin 18 to the ignition coil firing connected, again < 1 ohm.
At this point, the new sensors seem to check out fine, which is why I suspected the wiring harness. Is the procedure for resetting ECU codes in the Cyclepedia service manual incorrect? Is there something else I should be checking? Or am I looking at a new ECU?
The bike DOES start, however the check engine light turns on.