And when does a scooter become no longer a scooter - but a shiftless cruiser motorcycle?
Is it weight, wheelbase, cc's wherein a scooter is no longer a scooter.
Does it have anything to do with complicated mechanicals - which go beyond the capabilities of the
average amateur mechanic with a few tools?
Yeah, it's no secret - I've crossed back over that line - and, for me, all of the above characteristics are so unappealing and so far from the original concept and purpose of a scooter as imagined in the 1940's.
To me, a scooter is a
simple to ride, move, repair, service, small engined vehicle for urban and rural riding - as originally imagined in the 1940's.
Modern motorcycles are so easy to ride now - with shift-helps and smooth mechanics. The same engined bike costs less than a scoot so covered in plastic as to make routine servicing so much a nightmare that most owners fabricate reasons to skip it.
Where is the need for monster scooters? A bike with a top case and side cans can carry a scooter's loads?
Yes, this IS a forum for Kymco's of all sizes.
And I know, it is nearly unAmerican to not be a fan of size and horsepower. I just got exercised today when reading the criticisms hoisted upon a guy who was thinking of buying a Honda Metropolitan. A guy shouldn't have to defend himself for being interested in a scooter that is not huge. (and vice-versa - but those guys usually are subject only to envy)
I'd draw the line on scooters at @ that lovely BV350....and she's just barely in.
When the truckers were here to collect my Burgman - both of them remarked when moving it around - that it seemed less a scooter and more of a motorcycle.
I had to agree with them, and mine was only a 500lb 400cc.
I headed back to scootering.
A nice Vino scooter
