Some of the maintenance intervals on my Like 200i call for checking with a diagnostic tool. Is there an economical DIY alternative to bringing it to the shop?
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Well, yes there is an alternative to paying someone to check your LIKE with the KYMCO diagnostic tool.
Is it running good?
There you go!
I don't think any of us LIKE'rs have ever paid to have that done to a good running LIKE.
These things either run great, or they don't. The vast majority start & run great.
The ECU and EFI are nearly flawless.....and the scoot will let you know if something is amiss, by poor starting or poor running. offers a pretty good service manual (paper manual or on-line)....and most find this scooter to be very, very easy for self-servicing.
Again, most of us have never used the diagnostic tool on our scooters IF they are running good. We're NOT neglecting any important or unimportant servicing by doing without the D.Tool.