Do it!
No, wait - better take your helmet to the dealer and test fit. There's not a lot of room under the seat for big helmets - which is why they fit a case on the rear. The case is easily removed and leaves a decent looking rack back there.
There are a couple of helmet D-ring hooks under the seat - if you can't get your helmet under the seat.
Helmet fit or no - I would not let that stop you from buying this scooter!
The LIKE200i is a terrific urban, 30 > 45 MPH scooter in my personal opinion. I've been riding mine for 4 yrs - and it is always a pleasure to hop on it and take off. I do NOT ride it above 50 MPH - because I don't think a scooter of this weight and wheelbase should be going any faster. That's just me....others ride it to the throttle stop.
Be aware that the
2018 LIKE will be a 150
with 2-wheel ABS - and though it has fewer cc's it will equal or better the 163cc engine which is in a 2017 LIKE200i. There is very little difference in the MSRP of the two.
ABS is a very big deal for some (me included) - so be aware that the 2018 model is coming soon - so you don't have buyer's remorse after buying the 2017 LIKE200i.
But if you decide to go with the current LIKE200i - and have sat the scoot to your satisfaction - it will be a great ride for years to come.
There have been no recalls on the scooter. I know of 3 which had a failed throttle position sensor - at least one of which was replaced under the 2 yr warranty. Even these 3 never failed to start or run and get the owner home. A failed TPS is a very very rare issue = as most owners seem to find their LIKE's to be darn near unbreakable. And easy to service!
Of the KYMCO line of scooters - the LIKE200i
seems to be the most bullet-proof. The electronic fuel injection is amazing. The darn thing just leaps to life in all temps and rain or shine.
The red one's go faster - or maybe they just look like they are.
A good review of the LIKE200i