I have a very large long oval head, and the same problems finding helmets that fit. Two years ago, I saw that BELL was making a "CUSTOM FIT" helmet, and I knew it was my last chance at having a helmet that fits. They Laser Scan your head and then make the helmet for your head. I bought one and it fits PERFECTLY !!! It's very expensive 1k, but, it's the cheapest helmet I could find that fits!! ( Yes I tried an AIRAI , it didn't fit.) The helmet is a FF, Carbon Fiber, and comes with a transitional shield ( I love the shield, no more sunglasses), and extra clear shield, and a nice helmet bag. I don't regret spending this money, this is the first helmet I have ever owned that fits perfectly, and I have been riding since 1967. Go to the BELL HELMET website and check it out.