Almost any scooter can jump a car at lights, even small scooters. They are specifically made to do that in daily riding in Asia.
A lot of maxi scooters are notoriously short on knee room. Pro bike reviewers do not always make happy scooter sitters.
The Kymco 500 is also considered a tight scooter for knee room by some.
But you are not looking for feedback from non-500 owners.....
Karl, I think at one time lane splitting out there was supposed to be no more than 20mph faster than SLOW moving or stopped traffic.
Now, plenty of videos of riders flying through very high speed Calif. freeway traffic.
Pasted from CA. DMV:
"Lane splitting general guidelines" information is no longer available.
California law does not allow or prohibit motorcycles from passing other vehicles proceeding in the same direction within the same lane, a practice often called "lane splitting," "lane sharing" or "filtering."Stig