Holy cow, these service intervalls are indeed a bad joke - at best.
It´s totally laughable and doesn´t make sense at all by the way.
Just one big "money making machine" for the dealers...and a customers rip off.
Or is this the only way to hold the EURO 4 Emissions within limits?.....
Pls pardon my french here, but apart from the warranty period (within I am forced to comply more or less) I don´t give a rats a** what they ask for in the service manual. Just a guideline at best for me. I prefer to use my common sense and should/will be fine.
Therefore imho:
Engine Oil and Gear Oil Change every 5.000km is enough. But use (Full)Synth Oil. I recommend 10W50 for air cooled engines. And Synth Gear Oil.
The Mineral 15W40 Oil is the cheapest and oldest and worst quality oil available. Maybe good for some B&S lawn mowers....
Brakefluid Change every 2 or 3 years should be enough in most cases. Use DOT 5.1 Synth Brake Fluid and you can easily use it for 3 or 4 years.
There are methods to test the brakefluid flash point by the way.
A first valve clearance check and correction at 1.000km is recommended and makes sense. Later checks depend on the use of the scooter. But I also guess that an intervall of 10.000km is possible.
And all these other inspection points....well as I said, use your common sense and treat it accordingly.
Just out of curiosity I will try to get some information about service manuals and how Italy and the Netherlands handles this issue with their new Like 150i´s. I bet every country handles this differntly.
Which gives us an idea what act is played behind the curtains...