The Peep S 200 got 71 mpg on it's first measured tank of gas. 88.3 miles and 1.25 gallons.
Don't know if the odometer is accurate or if it is optimistic. Update, the speedo is about 10% optomistic, don't know about the odo.
Update: second measured tank got 62.5 mpg, US gallons. The Peep was used mostly for short rides, lots were 1.6 mi to the grocery store and same mi back to home.
Third measured tank got 75 mi, this tank was filled at the 100 mile mark, it had a 60 mile ride on back roads at about 42 mph indicated and the other 40 miles were short rides to stores, etc. This tank was with a windshield installed, it is a tall WS made for the People S series.