Back in the 70's and 80's disc brake drove people crazy with all the noise, anyway I had a honda 750 front disc brake squeel bad. Replaced the pads-had same problem within 150 miles. here is what I used that worked for me, and 3 yrs later still quite!. Hopefully it is still available. At Auto-zone auto parts I found CRC brand "Disc Brake Quite" in a 4oz. bottle. It's a brite red thick liquid. you remove the brake pads and put a bead on the BACK/METAL side of each brake pad that contacts the piston/cup ,(NOT on the brake material) let set-up 10 minutes,install,let sit/cure overnight. It works to dampen the high frenquency vibration (squeel)-just follow the instructions on the bottle. My bottle is still usable, so it has a long shelf life. It looks like silicon rubber sealant, but may have other properties.Hope this helps, let me know your results.