Author Topic: Agility 125 - no life with new battery  (Read 3196 times)


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Agility 125 - no life with new battery
« on: October 07, 2019, 03:36:55 AM »
Hi all,

New to the forums. I searched through quite a few pages looking for a similar issue to my current problem.

Just bought a 2013 Agility 125. Was told it hadn’t ran for about a year. Bought a new battery, cleaned the carb, replaced the fuel filter and cleaned the fuel tank out.

When I turn on the key, nothing...not a light, nothing. Checked the main fuse next to battery. Wasn’t blown and replaced it anyway. Still nothing.

Any ideas where to start tracking down? Is there another fuse that I’m not aware of?


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Re: Agility 125 - no life with new battery
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2019, 07:28:50 AM »
My Agility is a 2009 model and I am only aware of two fuses inside the battery box. I also do not know whether the wiring on Agility's has been changes since 2009. Some time ago I saw a comment which indicated that some models might have an engine kill Switch. My Agility doesn't have a kill switch - the ignition switch is the only switch which can kill the engine.

To eliminate the possibility of another fuse somewhere, I would use a multi meter to do a voltage test at the ignition Switch. Your scooter should only have two wires connected to the ignition switch:

 1.  one incoming Positive feed (+) wire from the battery (via a fuse). (Will always have (+) power when the fuse, wires, and connection are good - even when the ignition switch is in "Off"
 2.  one outgoing Positive feed (+) wire . (Will only have (+) power when the key is in "On" position).

I would ground the multi meter directly to the BATTERY, and see whether I get a voltage reading at ONE of the two terminals at the ignition switch.

If you do get a Voltage reading, (even when the switch is in "Off" position) it means you found the incoming wire from the battery and you don't have to worry about another fuse.

If you don't get a Voltage reading, it means the scooter might have another fuse - or you might have a poor (fuse ?) connection, or broken wire between the battery and ignition switch.

If you got a Voltage reading, you can turn the ignition switch to the "On" position, and do a similar Voltage test on the 2nd terminal.
(Again, ground the multi meter to the (-) on the BATTERY).
If you got a Voltage reading again, it means the ignition switch is not faulty.
 If you didn't get a reading, it obviously means the ignition switch is faulty.

If you found Voltage on the 2nd terminal you can then repeat the 1st Voltage test again - but this time ground the multi meter somewhere to the scooter's CHASSIS , not the battery.
If you don't get a voltage reading, it means you're having a bad earth connection somewhere.

Just some ideas to start eliminating some possible causes of the problem...

Just some observations on my Agility when the ignition swith get switched "On". You could compare this with your scooter:

1. Dash lights  and horn are dead - it only works when the engine start running. (In your case it will not come on, because the engine doesn't start).
2. Brake lights are dead - it only comes on when one of the brake levers get pulled, with ignition switch "On". (You can try this on your scooter - the brake lights should work when you pull one
    of the brake levers + ignition switch "On").
3. Rear lights are dead - it only works when the engine start running. (In your case it will not come on, because the engine doesn't start).
4. Indicator lights works with ignition switch "On" - the engine doesn't need to run.
5 Head lights should come on with ignition switch "On". If I remember correctly that's how my scooter's headlights worked initially. The headlights died completely after a short period - so I did a
   modification with relays to get the head lights work properly. So at the moment the head lights on my scooter can not be compared with yours.

I think you should rather try 1, 2, 3, and 4 (above) on your scooter to see if it works . To my experience the fact that your head lights do not come on, doesn't mean 1, 2, 3, and 4 (above) should be regarded as "dead".

Good luck.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2019, 09:54:48 AM by scooterfan »
Kymco Agility 125
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Re: Agility 125 - no life with new battery
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2019, 09:58:20 PM »
Scooterfan, thanks for the in-depth reply. I’m working without a manual currently so I’m not 100% sure about a few things. Your guide of 1-5 helps tremendously.

Can you tell what size fuse should be installed? There are two on this scooter in the battery box. One on the red wire and one on a black.

I did hook up the battery and pulled in either brake with the ignition on. Neither brake allowed anything to happen with the start switch or lights. One thing to note. The red wire fuse seems very hot.


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Re: Agility 125 - no life with new battery
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2019, 01:30:39 PM »
Unfortunately the engraving on my scooter's two glass fuses are extremely poor. I just had a look - it could be 7 Amp fuses but I'm not sure.

If your scooter also has old type glass fuses you could have a look at the two clips which hold the fuse. The clips could be corroded, and the heat probably caused the clips to "open" a bit. The connection between the clips and fuse should be tight - otherwise the fuse WILL be getting hot.

Another possibility is that the current through the fuse you're using is too high for the fuse you're using.

So for a start I think it would make sense to make sure the clips are clean, make sure the fuse is sitting tight, (maybe clamp it down with pliers a bit), before you try a fuse with a  higher Amp rating.

« Last Edit: October 08, 2019, 01:33:24 PM by scooterfan »
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Re: Agility 125 - no life with new battery
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2019, 07:16:37 PM »
I found a manual online. No where could I find (online search included) what size fuse to use. I put a 7 amp in and it blew as soon as I turned on the key.

However, when I bought the scoot from another party it had several 7 amp fuses in a plastic bag.

Do you think the rectifier/regulator could be bad?


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Re: Agility 125 - no life with new battery
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2019, 11:08:04 AM »

..................................... I put a 7 amp in and it blew as soon as I turned on the key.

Do you think the rectifier/regulator could be bad?

Yes, I think the regulator could be one of more possible causes of the problem. I think you actually need to determine which of the two fuses inside the battery box gets hot / keeps on blowing fuses.

One of those fuses are actually directly linked to the rectifier / regulator. It doesn't matter whether the ignition switch are "OFF" or "On" - the rectifier / regulator always has direct (+) power  from the battery.

Maybe you should just feel the wire to the fuse which usually got hot - the wire might also be hot, but probably not as hot as the fuse. If you can detect some heat at the wire before the ignition switch get turned "on", I think chances are very good that the rectifier / regulator is faulty.  In a case like chances are good that the new battery might be half dead by now. So maybe you need to check the battery again.

Our scooters have DC CDI's - which means more components (I.e. CDI etc. immediately get activated when the ignition switch get switched "On" - but the regulator / rectifier is still part of the circuit. So even when the fuse only blows when the ignition switch get switched on, I think faulty diodes inside the regulator, or a partly cooked regulator will still drive an already stressed fuse over it's limits.

In short - the regulators are cheap. I would rather try another one first. Or you could check out some Youtube videos - there are quite a number of good ones which shows how to test a regulator / rectifier.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2019, 11:12:56 AM by scooterfan »
Kymco Agility 125
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Re: Agility 125 - no life with new battery
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2019, 12:27:07 PM »
Hot wires and fuses blowing instantly? sounds like it could be shorting somewhere to me.

A hot favourite is where the cable trunking heads up into the handlebar housing. Has anything rubbed through?

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Re: Agility 125 - no life with new battery
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2019, 03:16:35 AM »
That explains a few things concerning the regulator/rectifier. It does get hot immediately ahem I connect the battery. And yes, the wire that is blowing the 7 amp fuse is hot as well. When I connect the battery and turn on the ignition, I hear a click sound in the rectifier.

From I can see, there are no is no wire insulation that has been rubbed off.

Does anyone know a reliable place to buy parts online? I recently purchased some mirrors and a blinker from I’m open to reliable online store that others have had good experiences with.

Again, I appreciate the replies and help. Thank you


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Re: Agility 125 - no life with new battery
« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2019, 01:51:06 PM »
Update: I’ve ordered a new rec/reg. I’ll let y’all know how it turns out.

Thanks again


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Re: Agility 125 - no life with new battery
« Reply #9 on: October 28, 2019, 03:52:51 PM »
Replaced my regulator. Connected the fully charged battery and it blew the main fuse again. Do y'all think I have a short somewhere??

I'm not great at the electrical side of things and I'm completely bewildered.


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Re: Agility 125 - no life with new battery
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2019, 06:25:01 AM »
Replaced my regulator. Connected the fully charged battery and it blew the main fuse again. Do y'all think I have a short somewhere??

Yes, I think you are having a dead short somewhere. Maybe you should check the ignition switch itself, as well as the wires coming from the ignition switch and rectifier.

Kymco Agility 125
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Re: Agility 125 - no life with new battery
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2019, 02:45:38 PM »
If the ignition switch is putting the live straight to ground, that would do it...

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Re: Agility 125 - no life with new battery
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2019, 09:03:09 PM »
Found the short! The previous owner had installed some aftermarket blinkers. One of them was shouting out.

I hooked up the battery and fuses are good now. All lights are working including blinkers.

When I pull in either brake and try to start it, nothing... Also, the horn isn’t working. Are they related?


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Re: Agility 125 - no life with new battery
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2019, 09:26:50 PM »
Hmmm. Can you get it going on the kickstart?

Both horn and brake lights are off the black wire - switched live

Suzuki GW250 Inazuma (2016)
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Re: Agility 125 - no life with new battery
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2019, 10:31:29 PM »
Kickstart didn’t work either. I tried several times.

The dash instruments are working properly though, gas gauge etc.

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