Easy bike to ride. Most people overestimate it based on it's looks, but are surprised by the ride.
I weight about 265 and my '16 tolerates me. 3500 miles and still trooping along.
stopped by the dealership for other reasons today, but took a closer look at the k-pipe, battery was dead cause someone left the key on, but started right up with only a half as kick, wasn't even trying to start it, just trying to get my leg in a good position to get a good kick on the kick starter. It has just under 4500 miles, a 2016. some rash on the exhaust, but no other visible damage
I'm ready to pull the trigger, just want to know the final tally for my V-strom that is in their shop right now, and I still haven't done my final billing on the work I am doing for the owner, kinda hoping to walk away with the repairs on my Vee, and the K-pipe, for barter