Author Topic: 2012 SUPER 8 CDI WIRING HELP  (Read 1134 times)


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« on: November 17, 2019, 09:34:55 AM »
G'day, I'm currently in need of a new CDI as I made some regrets and kille my old one. I don't want to pay the $250AUD they want for a new one locally.

Now my question is: My scooter is an 8 pin( 6 wires) and of course DC powered
I know that with 6 of the wires X2 are apparently grounds?
Am I able to wire up an aftermarket 5wire CDI and just wire up one of the grounds?
Just the 50cc 5 pins are much easier to find here than the DC 6 wires.

Just need help confirming an aftermarket DC CDI will work and if I get a 5 wire what's to go with having one spare wire.

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