It may not be hard nor expensive but it may not be necessary either but you will never know. I am checking the belt on my MyRoad regularly to see how long it might last. The maintenance chart recommends checking the belt every 12,000 miles but has no recommended replacement and the chart only goes up to 24,000 miles. The last inspection I did was at 25,000 miles, the belt was in very good shape measuring just under 1mm narrower than a brand new belt (yes I have a replacement for when I need it). There was some minor cracking inside a few areas of the inner ribs but other than that the other surfaces look great aselection do the rollers. I have almost 29,000 miles on it now and my next inspection will be at 30,000 miles. BTW I am carrying the spare belt, a Milwaukee M18 3/8" impact gun and appropriate sockets to be able to change it on the roadside if need be also. Of course the CVT belt for this scoot is a bit more expensive being around $160.